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Letting Go of Offense With God

by SHAWNA J. FORGIVENESS Burn out Expectations Discouragement
Letting Go of Offense With God
“Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.”
Hebrews 12:15

Some of the deepest healing can come in our lives when we learn to forgive God. Let me explain. God never has and never will wrong us. However, a lot of the difficulties, disappointments, and other junk we face in the world gets blamed on Him. We may not blame Him for the negative thing happening, knowing it’s from the enemy, but we may blame Him for letting it happen or for not fixing it when and how we would have liked Him to. 

Releasing forgiveness to God is not for Him to be pardoned of something, it's for us to let go of our hurt, our offense that we are holding over His head that blocks our ability to relate to Him. 

When I was a teenager, my family adopted two boys. What started as something we thought was done in obedience to God, turned into a situation that brought a lot of difficulty and brokenness, and really shook my family to the core. A lot has changed since then, but I’ve continued to question God deep in my heart: “Why did you lead us to do something that only hurt us?” “Why didn’t you heal my brothers and change our situation when we were so desperate?” 

My healing came during a prayer meeting focused on forgiveness. I had to recognize and release the hurts I was holding on to that I was directing toward God so that I could forgive Him and restore relationship with Him in that area.  

I think it can be quite easy to pick up hurts like these on the field. We wonder why God would lead us somewhere where we feel like all we’ve done is sacrifice and we haven’t seen any fruit. We blame God when something happens to our family while we are walking in obedience to Him. We question why God would send us to people who only want to reject Him. We get discouraged by sickness and visa problems that we know God could miraculously fix any moment. If we don’t continually release forgiveness and release the offenses we have picked up with God, we will become bitter, hard, and burnt out. The process of recognizing these hurts and forgiving can be painful, but leaving the walls between us and God can be even more painful. 

Closing Prayer
Father, I am sorry for the offenses and bitterness that I have allowed to come between You and me. I release forgiveness to You for the disappointments, hurts, frustrations, unanswered prayers, and all the things that I have accused You of. I don’t hold You responsible anymore for the brokenness that I have been experiencing or for not answering my prayers in the way that I wanted or expected. Restore me once again to intimacy and nearness with You. Amen.
Website: Inner Healing: Restoring the Foundations You can schedule an inner healing session to help you work through healing and forgiveness for any issue you have been stuck on.
Question for Reflection

How does our offense with God affect our lives? How can going through the process of healing and forgiveness bring freedom?

Shawna J.
October 22, 2024

When I hold offense with God I start to shut down and build walls in my relationship with Him and with others. I do this without even realizing it, as my trust is slowly breaking down. When I get honest about my offenses and bring them to God honestly I am able to have greater intimacy with Him again.