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Joy in the Now

Joy in the Now
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16–18
“I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.”
Ecclesiastes 3:12–13
“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,”
Romans 14:17

“Happy single people make happy married people.” I once heard this quote at a conference when I was a student, and ever since, I’ve strived to apply its truth of rejoicing in the here and now. I was single back then, and I still am to this day. But frankly, this principle is true regardless of one’s marital status. 

One of the biggest enemies to joy is the attitude, “I’ll be happy when…” The more we think this way, the more the goalpost moves, causing us to continually look for the next source of happiness, never able to rejoice in the present. When I look back at my life, I’m so grateful that I never let my joy hinge on being married. I would have ended up as a miserable and bitter woman. Who wants that? 

The Apostle Paul wrote a lot about joy. If anyone knew how to be glad in the moment, regardless of the circumstances, he did. Not only did he command us to rejoice at all times, but he added the important detail that it’s God’s will. He also gave us a clue as to how to do it, since frankly, such a joyful attitude doesn’t come naturally for most of us. The key is prayer and thanksgiving.

When I think of God’s will, the command to rejoice is not usually the first thing that comes to mind. And yet, it’s a recurring theme in both the Old and New Testaments. Solomon wrote about satisfaction and happiness as being a gift from God. Paul narrowed the essence of God’s kingdom to righteousness, peace, and… joy. 

God has done all that’s necessary for us to be joyful now, not only in eternity. But it’s our choice to put his provision into practice. An excellent place to start is to banish all thoughts that make our happiness conditional on a future status, event, or relationship. The next step is to focus on the reasons we have to be thankful. I realize that none of this is easy, which is why we need to bathe everything in prayer.

Closing Prayer
Lord, I admit that being joyful is tough to do at times. I let too many enemies come and steal my joy. And yet, you desire for me to rejoice at all times, and you have provided everything needed to be glad in you. Every day is a new day that you have given me. Lord, help me to rejoice in it. Amen.
Article: How Do You Define Joy? by John Piper This article offers a very practical definition of joy, which helps evaluate our “joy-meter” and gives clues on how to have joy.
Question for Reflection

Why do you think having joy is so important?

Carol Schlorff
May 07, 2021

I believe God created us for joy. He made us so that we may enjoy him and he may enjoy us. This explains why the human soul longs for joy and why Satan attacks us in this area so much. If he can steal our joy, then we miss out on our purpose in life.