What was Jesus’ joy, and why did he want us to have it? Jesus knew the only thing that would satisfy our longing souls. He had been experiencing it since before the world began, exuded it while a human on this earth, and maintains it throughout eternity. Jesus’ joy was pure, unbroken fellowship with his Father, and he knew this joy was the only thing that would fully complete us.
I often get caught up in pleasing the people I moved thousands of miles from home to serve. I want to minister and work to win their approval and see godly results in their lives. I overanalyze ministry tactics and efforts, and sometimes, I find myself paralyzed with fear of failure. I get frustrated when my labor shows no fruit, and I crumple when others don’t acknowledge my efforts, or worse yet, consider my efforts worthless.
My mantra for the last couple of years has been Galatians 1:10, “Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.” The joy of Jesus was that of constant communion with his Father, abiding in his love, and pleasing him in full obedience. Jesus’ obedience took him through some pretty sorrowful and downcast times. He so displeased people that they plotted time and time again to trap him, trick him, and eventually kill him. Yet, he knew joy. He depended on it and looked forward to it (Hebrews 12:2). And he wanted us to have that same joy.
Our suffering and sorrow pales in comparison to Jesus’. We will never fully know his sorrow (remember, he bore the weight of all sin of all people of all time); yet, we can know the fullness of his joy. Jesus states it so simply in John 15. Joy results from obedience and love, fellowship and abiding. When the displeasure of people starts to get me down, I must tune my heart to the Father, absorb his love, and rejoice in his presence (Psalm 16:11).
What often distracts you from being filled with joy? How do you refocus your mind’s attention and your heart’s affection to the joy Jesus wants us to have?
The busyness of life often distracts me from being filled with the joy of my salvation. Things, activities, and people temporarily and conveniently fill my emotional tank...until they don’t. Only when I sit and reflect on the cross and my personal need for the Gospel, do I experience the true fullness of joy that Jesus longs for me to have. All the distractions of life fade away and fizzle out in comparison to the love and affection of my Father. Recently, our family was watching a YouTube video of Louie Giglio’s message called, “Indescribable.” The end of his message brought me to tears. It was a great reminder of God’s love and salvation. Reminders like this are wonderful for restoring my soul to the joy of my salvation.