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Is Living Long or Living Well the Goal?

by GAIL GOOLSBY LONGEVITY Burn out God’s guidance & direction Hearing God & Understanding His Will Obedience Self-care
Is Living Long or Living Well the Goal?
“You shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live, and that it may go well with you, and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess.”
Deuteronomy 5:33

Many African countries and those decimated by years of war, poverty, disease, and other traumas like Afghanistan where I served for seven years see shorter life spans and higher infant-mother mortality rates. These populations are not so concerned about health habits or the role of genetics in prolonging life. Each day is a focused effort to stay alive.

Generally Western populations do not struggle for daily existence. Most people have access (and excess) regarding nutrition, medical support, shelter, and information to assist with proper choices to live into their 70’s, 80’s or even beyond.

Is the goal to live long or live well? Should we focus mainly on not smoking, maintaining healthy weight, exercising, choosing less carbs/red meat and more fresh vegetables?

Or is the key to longevity a positive outlook, greater optimism, and healthy relationships?

What is the application to our lives of the directive to the newly freed Israelite slaves in Deuteronomy 5:33? 

 “You shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live, and that it may go well with you, and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess.”

Chapter 5 of Deuteronomy details Moses collecting the commandments, statutes, and judgments from God to be taught to Israel. He recognizes that God is interested in not only outward obedience, but hearts turned toward Him, demonstrating trust and worship. 

All the points of the law were for their well-being, but instead of forcing His ways upon them like their Egyptian masters, God communicates the benefits from following His ways…long, well-lived lives. He also warns them that covenant agreements like they made at Mt. Sinai are to be taken seriously.

In our time of the New Covenant, Christ fulfilled each requirement of the Law and offers us the way to inherit eternity with God. It still matters how we live, so we study His Word, commune through the Holy Spirit for daily direction, and pray for strength to follow. The benefits of a well-lived life can be enjoyed on earth and then in heaven to come. 

Closing Prayer
Father God, help us recognize your love and concern for us when we come up against “rules” and standards for daily living. Your desire is for well-lived lives in your children, to reflect you well to a hurting, sick, self-centered world. When we submit to your discipline/training, it works out many negative issues in our lives, offers us peace, stability and more satisfying years on earth. And then the grand prize of eternal life with you. Thank you, dear Savior, for giving us that wonderful access, in your name, Amen.
Question for Reflection

What aspect of God’s commands are you stumbling over, finding hard to trust or submit to that interferes with living well? How can you get the help you need to push forward?

Gail Goolsby
January 10, 2023

Sometimes I struggle to be generous with my time and resources, apparently not fully trusting God can take care of me? Yikes, hate to see that in black & white! I experienced “daily bread provision” while we were 4.5 yrs in seminary, so still disappointed when I hesitate to give when seems like God is prompting, not always, but too often. My husband helps (and hinders) me in this area as he seems to find it easy to be generous. Still a work in progress…