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I Already Forgave You

by SHERILYN GRANT FORGIVENESS Biblical conflict resolution
I Already Forgave You
“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
Colossians 3:13

My grandparents were pastors of a small church in the Midwest for many years. At one point in their ministry, my grandfather was called upon to be the mediator in a particularly difficult situation with two of the families in the church. One of the women in these families was not happy with how my grandfather handled the situation. In her bitterness, she began to cause division within the church by spreading lies about my grandfather. 

In an effort to keep the church from splitting, my grandfather made the most heartbreaking decision to step down as pastor to keep the peace among his congregation. They grieved and were greatly wounded, but my grandparents moved on and continued to have a fruitful ministry in the churches they pastored, as they faithfully followed the Lord and His leading. 

It wasn’t until twenty years later that my grandmother received a phone call. The woman on the other end of the phone was crying. It was the same woman, who all those years ago, had caused division in their church. She had cancer. She was dying, and the Lord was dealing with her heart. She cried to my grandmother, “Can you ever forgive me for what I did?” I will never forget my grandmother’s response. She said, “We forgave you when it happened.” 

We don’t need an apology from those who have wounded us in order to forgive. Jesus never said to wait until the person comes to you and asks for forgiveness, He simply said, forgive. I am convinced that my grandparents continued to be fruitful and see the Lord’s faithfulness in their lives beyond that circumstance because of their willingness to forgive. The Holy Spirit is free to bring healing, wholeness and unity to any situation as we choose to forgive. God calls us to forgive as He has so freely forgiven us, and in return He will heal the wounds and bring fruitfulness as we faithfully follow and keep our eyes on Him. 

Closing Prayer
Father, I thank You that You have made a way for the forgiveness of my sins. Because You have so generously forgiven me of the sins I have committed, I am now free to forgive those who have wronged me. I give to You today any wounded places in my heart that I have been nursing and holding onto. I ask You to come and release me as I forgive. Bring Your healing power to those places as You form me more into Your likeness. Amen.
Article: Common Questions Christians Ask About Forgiveness by Erik Raymond This article is good because it defines what forgiveness is and what it is not. Sometimes we have a hard time forgiving because we think it means we are saying it is okay what the person who wronged us did. This article makes that distinction and discusses forgiveness from a biblical point of view.
Question for Reflection

How can you become a person who easily forgives when wronged?

Sherilyn Grant
April 28, 2022

I, as most women, can hold onto hurtful words spoken to me longer than I should. It’s easy to let my mind go over and over the words and rehearse every place I feel justified to respond or defend myself. When I think of my grandmother’s response to the woman who hurt her, I am challenged to live that way. I have challenged myself to be quick to forgive and place the offense immediately at the cross where I do not dig it up anymore. In most cases, I try to remember that “hurt people hurt people” and so I pray for grace upon the person who has wronged me. This is a daily practice that I am constantly learning to surrender to.