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God's Word is Also For Me

by SARAH SEEFELDT RECEIVING Quiet time with the Lord
God's Word is Also For Me
“When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, Lord God Almighty.”
Jeremiah 15:16

I turn the pages of the book of Psalms, looking for verses that might bring comfort and nourishment. “Help me find something, Lord, to share with her today.” At this moment, I’m not looking at what the Word has to say to me, but what He might want to say to the woman I’m counseling. This is not a problem, unless I forget that the Lord wants to speak to me, as well. 

Sometimes, if I’m not careful, I can forget that the Lord wants me to receive His word. Not only in order to pour out to others and not only to learn more knowledge about Him, but to receive into my soul His truths and promises to me as His child. My Father wants to give to me – to give me truth and rest and joy and peace – through His word. 

Do I stop to receive from Him? 

When we are involved in ministry, there are always others we can pour into. We are involved in Bible studies (often leading them), we mentor young women, we seek out nonbelievers, we serve in the local church, we have community with other believers, we have families and jobs and responsibilities. We seek ways to use our abilities to show God’s love and we hope to use our words to communicate His truths. 

And while the Lord gives me those opportunities, He also wants me to receive encouragement from Him for myself. He wants me to receive rest from my worries. He wants me to receive the peace that surpasses understanding. He wants me to receive joy in my salvation. He wants me to receive these into my soul because He is a good Father and a good Shepherd. 

The Lord invites me to read His word, to meditate on it, to memorize it so that it might dwell richly within me. He invites me to let His word abide in me so that I might bear fruit for His glory (Jn 15:7). He invites me to receive His word as necessary bread (Deut. 8:3). 

This invitation is for our good, not only for what we can then pour out.

Closing Prayer
Father God, Thank you that your word is for me. You are not a God who remains far away and you are not a God who wants me only for what I can do for you. You are the God who loves and pursues and gives generously. It is good for me to draw near to you. Help me to receive your word into my soul and let it dwell richly within me. Let my hands and my heart be open to receive from you today, knowing it is for my good. Amen.
Song: Daily Bread by P&W Collective A beautiful reminder of our daily need for the Lord
Question for Reflection

What keeps me from receiving from God’s word?

Sarah Seefeldt
July 01, 2024

Sometimes I can approach my time with God’s word asking “What can I learn from this?” And this is not always an unhelpful way to approach studying the Bible but sometimes it can make me focus more on checking the box rather than letting the Word speak to me. I’m looking for something to write in my journal or something to share with my kids later. Sometimes God will speak to me and it’s simply for me to receive and not meant for me to “learn” or “pass on” at that time.