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Getting Beyond “Fine”

by ANNE MAY VULNERABILITY Overwhelmed Balancing ministry, family, & life Close friendships overseas Connecting with nationals Isolation & loneliness Feeling known & understood
Getting Beyond “Fine”
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

It’s been a few months since I’ve seen Leanne. She lives on the other side of the city, and we’re both working moms with young kids so time to connect is scarce. We finally manage to schedule a phone call after the kids are in bed. 

“How are you?” she asks. 

The usual responses come to mind. “Fine.” “Busy.” “Hanging in there, how about you?”

When I go to the doctor, I tell her what’s wrong, and we come up with a plan to test, diagnose, and treat. Right now, I need that kind of care for my spirit, and if I stick to the safe answers, I’m not going to get it.

I think of Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. I have a close friend, someone who is willing to walk with me through the hard times. But in order for her to help me out of the pit, I have to let her see that I have fallen. If I pretend everything’s okay, I am actually alone.

So this time I respond differently. How am I? “Lonely. Frustrated. Insecure. Overwhelmed. Anxious.”

Now my friend can minister God’s word to me. She can speak His promises, pray for breakthrough, stir my spirit awake. Through her, the Holy Spirit can comfort me and convict me, encourage me and challenge me. Not only that, but Galatians 6:2 instructs us to “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” For her to be obedient, I need to be vulnerable.

Even better, I have created a space for her to share her needs as well. I can comfort her with the comfort I have received (2 Corinthians 1:4). Her husband’s business is struggling, so he is working long hours. They are both exhausted. We pray and commit to lifting each other up throughout the coming weeks.

We were both in the pit, but with vulnerability and a lot of grace we have lifted each other out.

Closing Prayer
Lord, you see everything that’s going on in my heart. Thank you for loving me through it all, even the mess. Help me to find the friends I can share the mess with, and to be brave enough to let them in when I would rather hide. Give them the wisdom and grace to minister your word to me so I can be healed. Show me how I can create a safe space for others to share their needs with me as well. Amen.
Video: The Power of Vulnerability, TED Talk by Brené Brown Brené Brown is a well-known researcher, writer, and speaker on shame and vulnerability. She combines sociological research, a faith perspective, and humor brilliantly! This talk is about the importance of vulnerability in fostering human connection.
Question for Reflection

Do you ever find yourself giving vague answers or changing the subject rather than sharing what’s really going on? What do you think you could do to change that?

Anne May
September 29, 2021

Sometimes I’m emotionally drained from what I’m going through, so I feel like I don’t have the energy to rehash it…but then my friends don’t have the chance to encourage me or pray for me. It’s helpful to remember that maybe they need me to open up first so they feel comfortable doing the same.