I spent years of my life in a country where uncountable gods are worshipped. My friends there who follow Jesus want it to be understood they worship only one God: the one who made heaven and earth. Creator God. He is the one who had a presence in the vast galaxies and universe before anything else came to be. He is the true one who existed long before other explanations for life were reasoned out in humanity’s minds. He was active and present in my friends’ country before they were born. He was unfolding His redeeming work there before any Christian workers like me arrived on the scene. His presence always was and always will be. The word for Creator God in my friends’ language has become the name of His I cling to most.
When I was younger, the idea of God’s presence felt like guilt or manipulation because I confused Him with the presence of others in my life. Now I know because of His presence I am free. He does not force, but invites me to commune with Him. In this relationship He changes me. I can share the love born of this communion with others.
I’ve been in my most recent country three years, yet Creator God has been here from the beginning. His presence lives and works in me; loves through me no matter where on earth I am. His presence is strong and brings freedom. This means I can live in my host country in peaceful trust without stressing about inventing “successful ministries.” He is at work in the lives of people around me. He is perfectly capable of weaving my gifts, resources, and time into His work.
When I finished language school, I wanted to rush into teaching group fitness as soon as possible, but God reminded me to learn, pray, and wait. I am so thankful for His presence guiding me, because I cannot imagine serving in any other way besides teaching fitness with the wonderful ladies He brought into my life. These classes encourage believers, build meaningful relationships with unbelievers, and meet a genuine need in the lives of women. I am thankful—Creator God is with me always.
How can I live in peaceful trust during the moments of this day, knowing Creator God is with me?
Whether the events of my day seem significant or not, whether I am seeing fruit from my labors as fast as I want, Creator God is with me. He is working in and through me in ways I may not even be able to detect at this time. I can enjoy the gift of this day as I trust Him.