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Community After COVID

by KATY BRINK COMMUNITY Finding community Isolation & loneliness
Community After COVID
“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”
2 Corinthians 12:9

No matter where in the world you were during the COVID pandemic, I’m sure you felt the loss of community. People initially were afraid to gather because of all the unknowns associated with the virus. Some of us found our social options greatly reduced by the regulations of our countries. Each of you felt that loss in different ways and under different circumstances, but I’m certain you felt it. 

And then, gradually, restrictions were lifted, fears abated, and we began to gather again. We opened the doors to our homes, welcoming others in. We took advantage of outdoor dining with groups of friends too large for indoors. The joy of community felt palpable, and we reflected on how much we’d missed it.  

But maybe, in the deepest recesses of your heart (or perhaps not so deep), you had mixed feelings. Sure, community is really important, but it’s also messy and hard. During the pandemic life was simpler in many ways; we didn’t have to manage complicated schedules or make sure we opened our home to those around us. We spent more time at home, sometimes bored but also able to read more or develop a new hobby. We didn’t have to fight the guilt of not being at every church activity because there weren’t any activities to attend. Maybe we weren’t forced to deal with stressful relationships in the same way as before. The quiet and slowness wasn’t all bad.

Of course, we all need balance in our lives and must learn to say “no” to certain things when life becomes too crazy. And it’s not wrong to enjoy quiet time at home and be content with fewer people around: God created some of us to need fewer people and more quiet. But if we allow our desire to stay away from messy relationships, to avoid being inconvenienced, or to remain “safe” in the quiet of our homes to rule over our choices, we will become self-focused people who miss out on the blessings of God-ordained community. God meets us as we have fellowship with others, especially when that fellowship brings us to the end of ourselves, and shows us that when we are weak, He is strong.

Closing Prayer
Thank you, Lord, for the gift of community. I confess that I can easily become self-focused and choose to avoid spending time with those you’ve placed around me because it feels too hard. Help me to rely on you when I feel weak and to be willing to die to my own desires for the sake of others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Article: How COVID Has Affected Our Friendships – And What to Do About It by Jeremy Linneman While admittedly focused on America, this article offers a helpful look at likely-universal effects of COVID on our relationships and community tendencies and then proposes some good ideas for change.
Question for Reflection

How have you felt stretched in fighting against selfish tendencies when thinking about community?

Katy Brink
October 02, 2023

I saw the tendency in myself, especially post-COVID, to remain content on my own and not get back into the habit of reaching towards others. But even well after COVID restrictions were lifted (and of course well before anyone had ever heard of COVID), I fight against my own desire to perfectly control my schedule or to invite people over only when I feel rested. I also sometimes feel guilty when I need to say “no” to a church activity. I need to go back to Scripture regularly and remind myself of the gospel!