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Are You Listening?

by PAULA ROBERTS LISTENING Quiet time with the Lord
Are You Listening?
“If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.”
Mark 4:23

It was the fourth time I felt the seven-year-old pull on my sleeve. 

I was working in the computer lab in the small village that had become our home. Personal, or even family owned, computers weren’t common, so the local kids had swarmed into our lab to use the little bit of technology the ministry could provide. 

“Please, let me play on the computer for just a little longer,” the boy said loudly, as if I hadn’t heard and answered three times already. 

God knows how hard it is for us to not only hear, but to really comprehend. Verses like Matthew 4:21-23 give us His advice:

“Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t you put it on its stand? For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.”

God wants us to use His Word like a lamp in our lives, giving it the highest significance. As His Word works, more and more of who we are is exposed to His purifying Word. The thing is, like the boy in our computer lab, we often hear what God says but don’t want to pay it much mind.

What helps move the Word deeper into our hearts? For me, when I use scripture to ask myself questions, I find myself thinking more deeply about His meaning. From Psalm 19, here are some examples:

- How has His word recently shown me that God is faithful? Psalm 19:6 

- When has His instruction or command revived my soul or brought joy to my heart? Psalm 19:7-8 

- What has God taught me through the Bible that is more desirable than gold or honey? Psalm 19:10 

- What sin has He recently pointed out to me via scripture? Psalm 19:12 

- How gracious and pleasant have my conversations been this past week? Psalm 19:14 

- Which of my actions have recently shown my trust in Christ? Psalm 19:14

Eventually my seven-year-old friend actually realized that computer time was over. With God’s help, may we realize what God is saying to us, too.

Closing Prayer
Dear Father, You have made us with ears to hear, but sometimes our hearts lag far behind. Please help us to be active listeners to your words of life. Thank you. Amen.
Song: I Will Listen by Twila Paris This song is so applicable for those who have chosen to be workers in His fields.
Question for Reflection

Which of your recent actions has shown trust in Christ?

Paula Roberts
October 24, 2023

After much discussion and prayer, God shut the door on us attending an overseas Staff Conference. I was disappointed and my actions of verbally complaining about this decision revealed that I was NOT trusting in God's promise to guide me. I haven’t complained about that decision recently, however, as He has reminded me that faith is trusting in His plans, not mine. Currently I am thanking God for those who do get to go and praying for their time together.