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A Two-Way Street

A Two-Way Street
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“Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2

Of course, I want to carry the burdens of others, and I imagine many of us in this line of work feel the same. People come to us with their needs, their disappointments, their fears, and we do what we can to alleviate the pain of those burdens – whether through prayer, actions, or just being there.

But Paul didn't just encourage a Galatian to carry her sister's burden. No, he encouraged them all to carry each other's burdens. That means I carry yours, and you carry mine. He continues on in the next verse: “If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.” (v.3) I see that as an admonishment to those of us who see ourselves as strong, not needing the help of others. But Paul is very clear, carrying each other's burdens is a two-way street.

But how can others bear our pain if we aren't willing to be vulnerable and share it? A few years ago we were at a conference in a neighboring country. A week before, a car bomb had exploded near our house, and we barely made our plane out of the country because of gun battles in the street on the way to the airport. I was at the opening session of the conference, and I don't even remember what the speaker was talking about – something about community – and I raised my hand to ask a question. All I could get out was “what if you are all alone?” before breaking down into tears in front of 150 of my colleagues, most of them relative strangers to me. I was so embarrassed. I felt like I looked like an absolute fool.


That moment of vulnerability – as ridiculous and dramatic as it felt to me – opened the door for dozens of my colleagues to check in with me over the course of the conference. I wasn't okay, and would later go on to get help for my PTSD, but for those few days, at least, I wasn't carrying the load alone, and that was a lifeline I didn't even know I needed.

Closing Prayer
God, we can't do this life alone. Give us the courage to be vulnerable with trusted people in our life, to bless them with the opportunity to carry our burdens. We repent of the times we thought we could do it all on our own, and pray for the strength not only to carry the burdens of others, but to allow them to carry ours. Amen.
Video: The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown While not a distinctively faith-based presentation, social worker and academic Brene Brown's talk has been viewed by over 35 million people and she is often cited as an authority in the area of vulnerability.
Book: Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk, and True Flourishing by Andy Crouch A must-have resource for Christian leaders on the intersection of power and vulnerability.
Question for Reflection

Do you struggle being vulnerable with others? What things do you feel get in the way?

Nicolette Hutcherson
February 21, 2023

For me I find it's a combination of wanting to seem like I have it all together (why!? I don't know!) and really just not wanting to add my burdens to the shoulders of those who already seem to be carrying so much.