God’s presence changes everything.
Recently I helped out in the toddler room at church. It was precious to see how the little babies suddenly stopped crying and felt safe and happy as soon as they saw their parents coming to pick them up. Their whole worlds stopped at the sight of their caregivers. The worries that seemed so big disappeared, and they knew they were safe because they saw their providers.
My family has the sweetest golden retriever, and she loves to be around our family. When someone is gone, she waits at the door ‘till they get back, and then she happily plops on the floor once everyone is safely back home. She knows her people, and once she sees us all together, she knows she’s safe.
I know these little examples pale in comparison to our reliance on God, but they show me little glimmer reflections of the depth of trust and contentment that full reliance on Jesus entails. In John 10:27-28 Jesus explains, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.” What powerful words! We have a Shepherd we can rely on. We are deeply known in a way that invites us to dive into a deeper knowledge of our Father (see Psalm 139).
This knowledge of who God is leads us to reliance on Him. The more our hearts and minds are wrapped up in who God is, the more we realize how magnificent and worthy He is and how beautiful His Kingdom is…and the rest of life is no match for the brightness of His glory.
We don’t need to try to figure out all the things, because He is here. He invites us to come to Him and rest in Him, giving Him our burdens (Matt. 11:28-30). He is sufficient. He is God and our Father and Lord.
Jesus “sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2) because the work is finished. We can rely on God to take care of His world and rest in the knowledge of His detailed care and sovereignty (Matt. 10:29-31). His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matt. 6:10)
What’s one refuge you tend to go to instead of seeking the Lord Almighty? What’s one small, doable way that you can make a practice of seeking our Lord’s presence this week? His Name is mighty and His love is unending, so as you seek God this week, be encouraged by Who you are seeking! (Maybe even think of a Name of God that encourages you to rely on Him. I love how today’s verse calls God the Lord Almighty and the God of Jacob!)
I tend to gravitate toward my phone. Even if I’m not checking social media, I look at my screen and check texts and things. I want to put my phone down more this week and be fully present where I am. This requires me to rely on God instead of feeling like everything depends on me and I need to respond to all messages immediately.