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Blog Post

Refilling Her Pitcher

February 10, 2025 AUSTRALIA 2025
Refilling Her Pitcher

Women in global ministry are called to tell people about the love of Jesus. Some have arrived here feeling strong and secure in Jesus’ love. But some are in a season of Satan screaming in their ears that they are not lovable—not doing enough.

How does a woman boldly share the love of Jesus when she herself is not feeling the love? 

She needs her pitcher refilled. 

Over the next few days, Thrive purposes to pour into these women’s pitchers so that they may once again be filled to overflowing with the love of Jesus, to in turn spill that love onto others. 

Recognizing that women are multifaceted creatures, Thrive adopts a holistic approach to member care. To address physical needs, we invite attendees to enjoy services that, while routine in their passport countries, may be rare in their countries of service: pedicures, facials, massages, and medical counseling. 

Spiritually, Thrive offers opportunities for worship, prayer, and Bible study, as well as one-on-one prayer and spiritual direction. We also offer attendees an opportunity to meet with professional counselors to address mental and emotional health needs.

Mary, serving in Papua New Guinea, views this retreat as the bridge to get her to the next step in ministry. 

In PNG, Mary spends most of her time in the bush. What is she anticipating most from the retreat? “All of it,” she says. “Everything—from spiritual direction to counseling to getting my toenails painted.” Self-care she routinely offers others but seldom, if ever, receives herself. 

She believes this time of retreating is preparing her to face what’s coming next in PNG. “The situation I left there, I sense something big is about to happen. Being here is preparing me to jump off that cliff. To give me boldness. This is the catapult.” 

“God loves lavishly,” Mary adds. “Here, I feel overwhelmed by his presence. God is smiling. I can feel his heartbeat, and his heartbeat is for me.” 

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.