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Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

October 19, 2024 SICILY 2024
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Written by JACKIE MOSLEY | Photo by KARYN WARD

It’s hard to believe that today is our last day for volunteers together. Most of our group will fly out tomorrow, with a few staying to meet up with family to explore beautiful Italy. We return to our own joys and challenges, yet still processing the work God has done here in us and as well as those women we’ve had the privilege of serving.

Michelle is on a team of eight from her church, and her eyes were opened this week to what life is like for families serving overseas. Her church will expand care for the global workers their church supports and keep them all connected to Thrive. Michelle was starting to plan how to gather others in her community to talk about how Thrive is so vital in keeping families on the field.

And, of course, there is Megan and Mickey who you read about on the first day as they “bookend” the age range of the volunteers.

Young mother Megan discovered that no global worker wants to be put on a pedestal—they want everyone to see their humanity and connect on a heart level. So she takes back the stories to her young children to build a sense of gratitude and how to expand their worldview. She said maybe the next step is a visit to her uncle serving in India with the knowledge and tools to connect and encourage his family.

And then wise Mickey said her word for the week was “Identify.” Since she previously served cross-culturally, she can identify with these women. She has a wise and nurturing way to engage with the women because she “gets it.” Mickey’s encouragement as one who has gone before will continue in her personal ministry to global workers.

This volunteer team bonded in shared vision and lots—and lots—of laughter during these long days. We came to serve and bless the women who are working cross-culturally, but we are going home blessed ourselves. With these new friends, parting truly is such sweet sorrow.

As you’ve traveled vicariously with us this week and prayed for the retreat (thank you!), what might God have for you? Is He calling you to become involved in supporting global workers in new ways? We encourage you to pray and seek how He would choose to use you in bringing refreshment and encouragement to these precious daughters of God!

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.