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Blog Post

Anticipating the Return Home

October 21, 2023 SOUTH AFRICA 2023
Anticipating the Return Home

The volunteers are wrapping up their time here, changed from the women they were just eight days ago. A few of the things that they now “get” about global workers’ lives are that they experience deep loneliness and isolation, they feel pressured to perform in order to not offend (and therefore lose) supporters, and that home assignment is not the time of rest and refreshment that many congregations suppose it to be. Many women lose sight of the fact that they are daughters of the King of the universe, and He calls them “Beloved.” Most volunteers will return to their homes with a renewed commitment to prayer and a new perspective to share with their friends and church missions group.

Multiple volunteers said that being with these women grew and strengthened their faith and brought renewed hope. We were amazed at the non-traditional careers God is using to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to a hurting world: architect, policewoman, veterinarian, and pie-baker are just a few of those who came. The volunteers feel privileged to have had a front-row seat to all that God did this week.

Why does Thrive do this? There are nearly 31,000 global women workers, and about 4,000 leave the field each year for preventable reasons. Only 50% make it to the five-year mark! Thrive exists to help global women stay the course, to persevere, and to bring glory to God in doing so. You and I can help them, too. We can respond to their social media posts and reply when they send their quarterly email updates. We can shower them with love and appreciation when they visit our churches. We can pray. Let’s do it!

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.