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Your Presence Matters

by SARAH DEAL PRESENCE Contentment Feeling connected to those back home Expectations
Your Presence Matters
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship.”
Romans 12:1

It was midday and I already felt like I had run a marathon. A team meeting, setting up for a neighbor’s funeral, a talk with a hurting friend, a misunderstanding with a co-worker, dealing with medical paperwork. Drained emotionally, spiritually, and physically, I shut the door to our little office and plopped down into the chair in front of the laptop. Our internet was hit and miss, but on a good day, I could squeeze a good hour or two out of the little flash drive internet package we had purchased at the kiosk in front of our neighbor’s house. When life was overwhelming, I knew where to go to ease my weary mind, to escape the harsh and downright uncomfortable realities of cross-cultural life. 

You guessed it. Facebook. 

Post after post, I’d scroll through pictures of my friends and acquaintances from the US, eavesdropping on their lives from afar. With every click of the like button, the contentment drained from my veins as I allowed the enemy a foothold. 

Have you been there? I hadn’t left houses and family and country to go sit in my office and scroll Facebook feeds, so why did I find myself tempted to sit in discontentment day after day? When life gets messy, we long to escape, to hide, and social media has become an extension of our lives that is just a click and a Wi-Fi signal away. The temptation is real, and the pull is incredibly strong. 

What if I chose instead to be present and make the most of the opportunities and the circumstances God has given me right now? Fully present, both physically and emotionally, in the hard or the boring, in the challenging or the mundane, in the sad or the joyful, in the conflict or in the calm. Present with the people He has placed me with—friends, coworkers, locals. Present in my life situation—single, married, with small children or grown ones, sick or healthy, with lots of energy or with none. 

It’s not always easy, friends, but our presence is our worship to Him. Your presence matters!! 

Closing Prayer
Father, in view of Your great mercy, we offer our bodies to You as a living sacrifice. Thank You for your mercy toward us! We trust You for the strength to be present in all our moments, to live to the fullest right where You have us, in the season we are currently walking through. Help us to be content right where You have us, trusting that you know our circumstances and our hearts. When we are tempted to run to social media or other distractions, help us to run to You instead, offering our bodies and our minds to You again to be used however You desire! Amen.
Article: Impact of Social Media on Overseas Life by Jenilee Goodwin Excellent article on the awkward and unwelcome challenges that social media often brings to overseas workers… Several good links included within this article as well!!
Book: Shopping for Time by Carolyn Mahaney A great little book packed with practical tips on balancing ministry, family, and personal time with the Lord. A quick, easy read that I went back to over and over through the years!
Question for Reflection

How have you balanced the use of social media with overseas ministry?

Sarah Deal
April 14, 2022

One of the most important ways I’ve balanced the use of social media with ministry is dealing with expectations. I realized after several years that I’d actually had very unrealistic expectations of myself, thinking that I needed to keep up with everyone’s lives as well as keeping up with my own ministry overseas. Once I was able to let those expectations go and give myself freedom to be “all there” in the ministry God had placed me in, I found much more joy in being present and was able to let go of the felt need to be on Facebook as often!