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Your Presence is Requested

by GAIL GOOLSBY PRESENCE Isolation & loneliness Quiet time with the Lord
Your Presence is Requested
“I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete.”
2 John 12

Never has the meaning and treasure of human presence come to light as during this COVID time of life. You no doubt hear complaints and heart-longings to be together from people in your sphere of connection, to enjoy the company of others face-to-face. 

How can we be present in such disconnected, and even dangerous circumstances? 

We observe that Jesus attended large and small gatherings with purpose. Maybe to introduce himself and his divine power through a miracle. Maybe to teach a crowd about the Kingdom of God through a good, relatable story. He was clearly present with his disciples for the purpose of preparing them for his upcoming absence and their continued ministry calling. 

He demonstrated that presence isn’t just about proximity; presence is about purpose.

This is good news for us during COVID times, when proximity is so restricted. But it requires us to be creative, and possibly learn new skills in technology or open up to new ways of connecting with our neighbors or those within our four walls (who seem to be ever-present!). 

COVID restrictions have the benefit of opening up more time to spend in God’s presence. Developing a non-anxious presence is a marvelous gift for those crippled with fear and loneliness, not knowing God or what security he offers. When connected well to God, we are prepared to be purposely present with others electronically, or even face-to-6-feet-away-face.

With no idea how long this pandemic will last, we need God to give us the wisdom how to reach out to those in our home and beyond our sheltered place. Maybe we will take up pen and paper (stamps and envelopes) as in days of old, still wishing as the Apostle John: “I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete.” (2 John 12 NIV). 

Until in-person socializing is commonplace again, we can be purposefully present however we connect and cherish the moments.

Closing Prayer
Father God, We long for the company of others as You created us to desire community. Help us navigate the pandemic wisely, trusting in Your protection and guidance to steward our health and those we care for. Give us creativity and purpose in connecting with others, but most of all, may we seek and value Your presence above all. In Your Son’s name, Amen.
Question for Reflection

How are you managing limited in-person contact in your world at present? Are you spending time in God’s presence for His companionship to help you rise above the earthly isolation?

Gail Goolsby
April 21, 2022

I am participating in more online meetings and chats than ever before, even with people in my town to avoid unnecessary risks to myself and others during these COVID times. When possible, even with face masks, I choose to attend approved gatherings at church, with coaching clients, and in public places carefully vetted. I do strive to make time with God a priority to have something to share when with others, wisdom, peace, encouragement, laughter, love…as He leads.