What makes you feel good about yourself? Personally, I love the feeling of completing a to-do list. It’s satisfying to know I’ve accomplished productive things. I also feel rejuvenated by the feeling of true connection in ministry. When someone shares that I’ve made a difference in their life or have helped them in some way, I feel uplifted and empowered to continue working and ministering. What things make you feel accomplished and motivated?
While God gives us many good things to enjoy (James 1:17), we must not find our identity in those good things. I once heard someone say that we are called to find our identity in the Giver, not in His gifts. With the COVID-19 pandemic interrupting and uprooting many things that we typically do, many of us might be feeling shaken and unstable. Thankfully, we serve a stable and immovable God! We are called to find our identity in Him and in Him alone (the first few verses of John 15 are helpful as we seek to abide in God).
Of all people to find their identity in something earth-bound, Paul is an exemplary fit. Look at his stats outlined in the verses above. Paul was doing so much so well! He was following his idea of the Law meticulously. However, what does Paul say? Does he say that these perfect records have enabled him to serve the Lord better? Does he encourage the Church to remember his 10/10 obedience and model themselves after him? Does he share his top tips for pharisaic focus? Nope. We know how Paul responds. Instead of mentioning these records to bolster himself in the eyes of his readers, he mentions them and then disregards them all in the face of knowing Christ.
Wow. This makes my heart drop a bit as I think about all of the years of grueling work and obedience Paul is completely letting go of. Why would Paul disregard his efforts? Paul rejects his attempts at righteousness in the face of the Righteous One. Paul releases his work at perfection as he receives the salvation only offered by the Perfect One. Ultimately, Paul is letting go of everything except Christ and finding his life and identity solely in relationship with Jesus.
How many times have we reminded our friends, children, and fellow believers of this truth? Yet how hard it is to remind ourselves! Instead of grasping onto things of this earth–whether that’s fitness, a thriving ministry, growth, a family, Bible knowledge, obedience to God, a healthy marriage, or anything else–God commands us to grow in Him (John 15:1-5). God gives us good gifts from earth, but let us allow them to point us to the Giver as we find our identity as His daughters. That’s all, and that’s so much more than enough.
What’s one aspect of God’s character (or attribute of God) that you can hold onto this week and remind yourself of as you seek to abide and find your identity in Christ alone? (see John 15:1-5 for more about the “abide” metaphor)
I want to remember God’s presence this week (as beautifully illustrated in Psalm 139). As I start to slip up and find my identity in what I do, I can pause and invite God to be with me and help me in the moment. God is already there, and God is present. I want to abide in Him by focusing on how He is always with me this week.