As a global worker, I need to be refreshed often. Refreshment is necessary to avoid experiencing its antonyms: “tired, weary, dampened, deadened, demoralized, disheartened, dispirited, drained, exhausted, and weakened” (
Today after my child went to school, I met some ladies from my community and we exercised together. We do this regularly. It leaves me feeling strengthened for the day ahead. The physical activity paired with connection and encouragement is motivating.
During an earlier life season, I homeschooled. I met with other moms one or two afternoons a week when school was finished. Our kids played together while we did online workouts. Sometimes we just had afternoon coffee and conversation. Both felt renewing after homeschool.
I have set aside time later this week for my introvert temperament to be restored. I love my family and work, but social interactions can leave me feeling faded at week’s end. I have places I visit alone or favorite activities I do alone. To be a healthy person and love people well, I need this time. I cannot compromise it. My brain and body relax during these hours and my tank is refilled to carry on with life.
Global workers are normal humans. We need refreshment. The Scriptures teach the value of rest. It’s good. It’s not laziness. It is wisdom. “Refresh implies the supplying of something necessary to restore lost strength, animation, or power” (
In Genesis chapter one this phrase appears often: “And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day” (Genesis 1:5). The only thing different each time this phrase appears is the number of the day: second, third, etc. The days began with evening—a time to wind down and rest.
“By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done” (Genesis 2:2-3).
God rested. For what is called a whole day. Daily and weekly times of refreshment are good. Sometimes extended periods are needed. What things are personally refreshing for you? How could you prioritize them on your calendar?
What are some ways that are personally helpful for you to find refreshment? How can you make times of refreshment meaningful for you depending on whether you lean toward extroversion or introversion?
I need some quiet time alone each day—even if it’s just a few minutes. During this break I could drink coffee and read a book or play games on my phone. I could water flowers in my yard or go on a walk while I listen to music. Once a week I usually take the greater part of a day to be alone because my work demands heavy social interaction. I genuinely love helping people and my work—I’m not shy. However, I am an introvert and my temperament means I absolutely need alone time. I need some time to slow down. I do not feel guilty about this. I have learned from serving long term in two different countries that honoring the life God has given me means times of refreshment so I can continue well.