Have you struggled to get along with someone? Did you resolve it, or is it still weighing on your mind?
My siblings and I struggle with unity. Ever since my mom died, we bicker about how to care for my dad. It is embarrassing because we are Christians and can’t get along.
I wish this incident was unique to my life, but our team in Africa also clashed. The drama remained hidden from supporters because global workers should be unified, right?
Yet, people everywhere wrestle with unity.
It makes me wonder, why are some relationships more difficult than others? Is it worth the investment to reconcile?
What is the secret to unity?
Unity starts with humility. It is easy to find faults in others but difficult to see in ourselves. Until we’re aware and admit our own faults, the disunity will continue. We begin by looking in the mirror.
Everyone possesses different values, but unity works together toward a common goal. It requires intentional listening, “slipping on their shoes” to understand their perspectives, and displaying a grace-filled attitude to reach a compromise.
In our depraved natures, we want our own way, but as we yield to the Holy Spirt, unity is achieved.
Sometimes even when I do my part, friction still festers. Certain situations can't be resolved. Biblical truths can't be compromised so I'm responsible for myself. I can't change others, but I can trust the Lord for the outcome.
Is unity worth all the hard work?
Yes, two (or more) accomplish more than an individual. This story I heard illustrates this truth:
An African tribe lost a child in the tall grass. The village searched everywhere but couldn't find the child.
Someone suggested they hold hands and search together. They did and discovered the child. Unfortunately, the child had died.
The mother said, "If only we had been united earlier..."
Unity is worth the hard work. Remember we aren’t alone. We can all do our part by being humble, trying to see things from others’ perspectives, and yielding to the Holy Spirit’s leading.
What relationship is broken? What steps are you taking to restore it?
My siblings and I are still divided. Restoration isn’t possible right now because some of my siblings have blocked myself and my other siblings. It has been painful because mom is gone and now my family. I’m praying and trying to still show love by sending birthday cards and Christmas presents. I’m also careful what I share with others to not “bad mouth” any of my family.