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What Is Playing On the Microphone in Your Life?

What Is Playing On the Microphone in Your Life?
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“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
2 Corinthians 10:5

I have been listening to a sermon series by American pastor, Louie Giglio. The series is based on the question of what is playing on the microphone in your life. What voices/thoughts are you allowing to be amplified in your mind and heart? 

This idea of a microphone has been a helpful mental picture for myself as I become more aware of what is playing on the microphone in my mind, fighting for my attention. I know what I want on the microphone. I want faith and trust in God to be nourishing my mind and influencing my decisions but too often that’s not my reality. 

Proverbs 23:7 tells us that “As a man thinks, so is he.” Our thoughts determine our actions and influence what we believe. So what are you thinking about? What are you listening to? Who are you listening to?

We want to be intentional about noticing what thoughts and messages we are listening to. Once we do that, we can replace the negative messages with truth. How do we do that? You know the answer. You have probably already memorized the Bible verse but you, like me, probably need the reminder every once in a while.

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 

We want to be aware of what we are believing and what thoughts are influencing our decisions. We want to take every thought captive, examine it, determine if it is good and if it isn’t, we stop listening, we throw it out. We go to God with that thought, stop giving it our attention and replace it with truth from God’s Word.

Is fear on the microphone in your life? Selfishness, envy, comparison, lies? Stop these thoughts! Don’t let them have the microphone in your heart and mind. 

Go to God and talk to Him about what is going on that is causing these thoughts. Choose to walk in faith, believing what the Bible has to say about who you are and who God is.

Closing Prayer
Father God, thank You for understanding us. You know our thoughts and desires, our fears and hopes. You know the thoughts and beliefs that are so deeply rooted in us. Help us today to be aware. Help us to be intentional about what we are thinking and choosing to listen to. By the help of the Holy Spirit, may we take every thought captive, examine it and replace it with truth if it is not from You. Nourish our faith today, nourish our mind with Your truth, love, and grace. Thank You for being so present and intimately acquainted with all our ways. We love You. Amen.
Video: Opinion Is on the Mic by Louie Giglio This is the first message in this series that helps you realize what is playing on the mic in your life.
Question for Reflection

What is on the microphone in your life today? If it is negative, what do you want to replace that message with?

Rachel Hendrikson
December 12, 2022

As we prepare to transition to a new field of service, several important steps need to happen. It will take a couple miracles to have everything come together in that amount of time. As I examine my thoughts and what’s trying to play on the microphone in my mind, I recognize stress, fear and worry. But I have so little control over these things and that is a really good thing because I need to trust God. The timing of all this is in His hands. He can do all things and I need be consistent in prayer as I wait patiently for Him to act to do what only He can do. Psalms 37:7, “Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act” is the verse that I’m trying to have play on the microphone right now so that this truth is amplified in my heart and mind.