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What Healing Isn't

by SARAH DEAL HEALING Health issues on the field Connecting with nationals Trust
What Healing Isn't
“Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”
Isaiah 53:4-5

I flew over the ocean expecting to change the world. Sunday school flannelgraph memories combined with Bible school and world-class preparation in cross-cultural studies and language learning techniques meant I was ready. Ready to spread the gospel of Christ far and wide.

What I didn’t expect was how much I would learn. Oh, how much I had to learn! From God. From the amazing people He’d brought me to live among on the other side of the globe. From my new neighbors and friends. From my coworkers who had come from other countries to work together with me here. From this strange and beautiful new culture that somehow helped me understand the undertones of my own culture better. 

These cultures and factors collided one day when our pastor broke the news that made us cringe: our dear friend, his wife, had discovered a large growth on her thyroid. In typical American fashion, we rushed to quick answers.

We’re taking you to the hospital. Now.

You’re having surgery, then radiation. Or chemo. 

We’re fixing this. You will get better.

Our pastor and his wife had different ideas.

God is not surprised by this development.

He will help us know what to do. 

Whatever His will is, we will be satisfied.

In the end, our pastor’s wife was able to have her thyroid removed, and God provided the finances necessary to cover the fees. They opted out of further treatment, believing that God would care for her and if the cancer spread, that God could stop it if He so desired. 

Through their faith, our friends taught us a valuable lesson about healing in God’s economy. They helped me to see that too often, WAY too often, my eyes are focused on the healing of right now, the physical healing that would give me another year or ten or twenty in this world. Our friends found their satisfaction in the healing that has already been won through Christ’s triumphant death. Their lives beautifully reflect a trust in the One who controls all that touches their world—and ours.

Closing Prayer
Father, in my quest for healing and relief from pain, may I not disregard or belittle the sacrifice you paid on the cross. I thank you and I praise you for your wounds that heal and your death that brought peace with God! May I accept your will for my life, be it sickness or pain or health or healing, knowing that I can look forward to eternity with you because of the price you have paid for reconciliation. Amen.
Book: A Place of Healing by Joni Eareckson Tada This newer book by Joni Eareckson Tada is powerful and encouraging for anyone who has questioned suffering. She details her recent ongoing suffering with chronic pain and the way it has thrown her into a new appreciation of God’s sovereignty in the midst of the unanswered questions of life.
Article: Surgeries DONE! This blog post was written after my husband’s brain surgery in 2017. Healing has been a long, hard road and didn’t come in the way we expected, but we praise Him for the answers He did bring, and we trust His goodness in the journey He has for our family!
Question for Reflection

In what areas have you found your own cultural beliefs colliding with that of the host culture where you currently serve (or have served)? How has God used this tension to grow your walk with Him?

Sarah Deal
August 17, 2022

This issue of healing was a big cultural shift for our family, but we learned much from our friends in this area! When my husband suffered from major health struggles, it was an opportunity for us to trust God with those big questions of “Does he deserve to be healed?” and “Why isn’t God healing him?” Ultimately, we had to come to terms with the fact that God didn’t fit into our “box,” and that He didn’t answer to us! His plan is way bigger than ours, and our friends from our host culture actually had a way bigger and broader understanding of that than we did! (We’re still learning that lesson, by the way… we haven’t arrived yet!!)