Planning a graduation and wedding back-to-back is no small feat!
Our oldest daughter is getting married in two weeks, while our second daughter leaves for college the same week. Our sons have been counting down the days until they can move into their sisters’ rooms.
With so many decisions to make and emotions running high, our family has struggled to get along. We all want to help each other, but selfishly we want our agendas and opinions to triumph others.
The same thing happened with the disciples when they were traveling to Capernaum. They argued about who was the greatest and desired to be Jesus’ favorite.
Jesus knew their thoughts and sat them down. He said, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” Mark 9:35
He challenged them with radical, upside-down thinking. To be first, be last. To be great, be a servant. To have harmony, be humble. Basically, THINK of OTHERS MORE THAN YOURSELF.
Practically what does this look like?
A person who thinks of others:
Listens and allows others’ ideas to take precent over hers; realizing everyone does things differently.
Responds respectfully and carefully.
Seeks to help others before herself even if it is inconvenient or messy.
Admits her wrongs even if the other person’s offense is 99% and she only contributed 1%. Forgives quickly; releasing the person and seeks restoration.
Loves unselfishly like Jesus’ example to us.
This list is not exhaustive, but a good starting point. If my family (or anyone who struggles to get along with others) would implement a few of these, the dynamics would improve.
Maybe you don’t have an upcoming wedding or graduation, but we can all use a splash of “THINKING OF OTHERS MORE THAN OURSELVES” in whatever situation we find ourselves. It will go a long way in promoting unity and peace in our families and ministries.
Well, back to helping my college daughter pack and my bridal daughter plan. We have fourteen days to practice these truths. Hugs.
Do you have a relationship that is strained? Which one step will you try and implement?
This summer has been a whirlwind with a graduation and wedding. I’m trying to extend grace to my kids and myself with all the transitions by being careful with my words. This is something I have struggled with. It is easy to hear something and quickly respond. But I’m trying to listen to understand and wait to respond. Or just be quiet.