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by SARAH DEAL SPIRITUAL WARFARE Quiet time with the Lord Trust
“…This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s…’”
2 Chronicles 20:15

I will never forget the first night of my first term as a cross-cultural worker. Jet-lagged and adrenaline pumping, my husband and I tried to sleep in the humid air while our one-year-old slept fitfully beside us in the Asian equivalent of a pack ‘n play. Each time my weary body managed to give way to deep breathing and rest, my mind would alert me to the urgent need to process the sounds of our new home. Motorcycles in the alley. People chattering. Prayers at the mosque. The faint rustling of cockroaches on the bathroom tile. Chickens clucking. More prayers at the mosque. Rain pounding on the roof above. 

In the days and months that followed, foreign sounds became more familiar as we learned the language and adapted to life in our new home. That’s how it goes with voices—the ones we listen to are the ones that influence us the most. 

I expected spiritual warfare to be a part of cross-cultural service. What I did not expect was such a battle in my own mind and for my own heart. Thoughts swirling in my head, wondering daily what I had gotten myself into coming here, doubting whether my family and I were making an impact, grumbling over the idiosyncrasies of my neighbors, letting discontentment take root in my heart by comparing myself with my co-workers. 

Our enemy is sneaky. He makes it his duty to know our weaknesses, and he will stop at nothing to distract us from hearing the one Voice that matters. 

Because he knows the Truth. 

“Having disarmed the powers and authorities, he [Christ] made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” Colossians 2:15 

The word for “vast army” in 2 Chronicles 20 has a Hebrew root meaning of “abundant noise.” It’s no wonder that what follows is a call to be still (v.7). When all around is abundant noise, I am called to be still. To trust. 

And in the stillness I begin to hear His voice rise above the other voices, clear and sure and steadfast: “The battle is Mine!” 

Closing Prayer
Father, we praise you for your victory over the enemy!! We also acknowledge that in this world, we are in a battle (Ephesians 6:12-18)! Help us to choose to take the time to be still, to listen to your voice through your Word, and to trust that that battle is Yours! When the voices of doubt and distraction rage around us, help us to run back to you and bathe ourselves in the Truth of who you are, for yours is the only Voice that truly brings victory! Amen.
Question for Reflection

What voices are loudest in your current season? What scripture could help you remember to focus your attention back to the one Voice that matters?

Sarah Deal
December 13, 2021

I’m currently walking through a season of unpacking deep grief. It has awakened in me voices of insecurity and pain, and I’m often tempted to judge myself and compare myself to others who seem to have no such struggle. With the help of other believers, I am learning to be still before the Lord and allow Him to speak truth to my hurting heart. I’m finding that as I trust Him, the voices of condemnation are fading into the background. Psalm 62:8 has been a tremendous comfort to me: “Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” I can truly pour out my heart before him, trusting him to be a refuge in the middle of my pain and in my insecurity. He’s not afraid or intimidated by the battle raging in my heart—He is at the ready to defend and be my refuge!