When we moved overseas, webcams were a new thing. We purchased one before moving as did our closest family members. I thought, “Wow! What a great time to be a global worker!”
Today, our own household has no less than 12 devices, each with their own personal camera. At the click of a button, we can video call family members thousands of miles away. Not only that, but most global workers have a blog or social media page where supporters can find out how to pray for them or discover what kind of help is needed. Some global workers even use technology in their new cultural contexts, reaching people for Christ.
And, yet, with all this tech help to increase productivity and communication, something unintentional is also happening. Our technology is increasing distraction in our lives and decreasing our ability to listen well or even sit with silence. Technology’s instant answers and communication can cause us to struggle with being patient in other areas of life. Social media sound bites are consumed in 30 seconds or less, presenting a challenge for us to maintain longer attention spans for more important conversations.
Listening is an act of service and love that requires time, attention, and focus. Our devices compete for these very things so we must be intentional with how we manage them. We must practice putting these distractions away and silencing their demands in order to focus on listening well. One of humanity’s deepest desires is to be heard and understood, and it takes focused, patient, selfless ears for God to use us to meet that need.
We only need to look to our Savior for examples of serving and loving God and others by listening well. He removed distractions by going off alone to pray, gave full attention to seekers asking Him questions, and patiently took time with others to hear their hearts. When people left an encounter with Jesus, they felt heard, understood, and valued. His love was expressed by listening well.
What is preventing you from being a good listener? It might just be a click away.
Have you noticed the unintended consequences of technology in your own life? How do you manage your technology to maintain time, attention, and focus for listening well to God and to others?
Knowing myself, I am a better listener when I slow down and put my devices away. I am reminded of this each time I look up from my phone into one of my children’s expectant faces only to discover I have not heard a single word they’ve said. Or when my husband reminds me of something I have no recollection of hearing the first time. Or when I find myself looking at my smart watch while in full conversation with someone. So I have to be intentional with my devices. I use the “Do Not Disturb” feature to silence notifications when I need to give full focus to something or someone. I only receive “Notifications” for the most important apps (like Messages or WhatsApp) so that I can intentionally open other apps (like email, Instagram, or Facebook) when I have time to give them focused attention. I’ve told my family and co-workers to not always expect immediate responses from me. If they need me straight away, I’ve asked them to call me so I know it’s important. Lastly, I try to practice sitting in silence most mornings for at least 10-15 minutes (with a cup of coffee and dog snuggled next to me). It helps me focus on the Lord and the day ahead, praying for each of my family members.