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Thriving in Singleness

by SHAWNA J. FLOURISH Contentment Intercultural marriages Singleness
Thriving in Singleness
“But He also can turn a barren wilderness into an oasis with water! He can make springs flow into desert lands and turn them into fertile valleys so that cities spring up, and he gives it all to those who are hungry.”
Psalms 107:35-36

I recently went on a ministry trip with my new husband of two months. After 7 years of doing ministry as a single lady, it was very different to travel and do ministry with someone by my side. It was a blessing to have someone who could help me navigate the challenges, who had words when I was socially weary, who could protect me, who could entertain me on long train rides, and who could labor alongside me. It was beautiful to see the increase that has already come to our lives as we move forward together. 

The blessing of this season, however, make me look back at my singleness with so much gratitude. I learned so much in that time that I now carry into marriage. I did many radical things, problem-solved, developed intimacy with God, adapted to culture, started ministries, traveled to dozens of countries, and more. One great example of that was learning the local language. My husband is native to our country so, of course, speaks the language fluently. If I would have come and married him right away, I know I wouldn’t have learned the language. He would be my always-available translator, making calls, arranging transportation, conversing with ministry partners, and I would never have the necessity to make my own way with the language. The three years I spent in his country as a single woman prepared me with the communication skills I would need to thrive here long-term (and communicate with my now mother-in-law)! 

Besides preparing you for marriage, singleness in itself can be a time of joy, fun, rich relationships, and deep faith. Although I am elated I found my husband, I look back with great fondness on each day I was single. It taught me that you can flourish where you are while also desiring and believing to be somewhere else. There’s nothing wrong with longing for marriage and preparing for it. However, don’t let looking to the future make you miss the beauty of the season you’re in. God has so much He can and will accomplish in and through you right here and right now.

Closing Prayer
Father, show me how to flourish and take joy in the season I am in. In my singleness, help me to use my life for Your glory, to make meaningful memories, and to enjoy every moment of every day. I am believing that You will fulfill the desires of my heart for the future while You also fulfill my longings today. I love You; help me to grow more in love with You. Amen.
Podcast: Single Shouldn’t Suck by Moral Revolution Young people bringing perspective into the purpose and beauty of singleness.
Question for Reflection

What is something God is doing or did in your time of singleness?

Shawna J.
August 02, 2024

God taught me how to lean on Him to fulfill my desires. He taught me how to seek Him to fill my loneliness and relational needs. I was able to experience such beautiful intimacy with Him.