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The New Testament Church

by ANGELA SHCHERBAN PRESENCE Quiet time with the Lord
The New Testament Church
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“One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.”
Psalms 27:4

She was a thin lady, dark-haired and a bit unsure of herself. She had slouched shoulders and a restrained look about her. Whenever I’d see her doing her job (which was to clean the church) I’d smile and wave, and she would shyly smile back. Time and again, I would visit the church in the mornings in order to spend a little quiet time in prayer. Surprisingly, she would be there early, either dusting the windowsills or mopping the floors. That’s how we got to know each other; short morning visits that slowly turned into a kind of friendship. 

I didn’t see her one morning, so I went about my quiet time. Sitting in the empty church, watching the sun’s rays slowly fill the building, I opened Psalm 27. Right then, it struck me just how much David longed to be with the Lord. His soul was drawn to the things of the Lord, the house of the Lord, the beauty of the Lord... He ached for more time in the presence of God (...that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life...). I thought of how, in the Old Testament, the temple was truly a place where the Israelites would come into God’s presence. It must have been a humbling and awe-inspiring experience; to leave the burdens of everyday life and enter a place of holiness. And then, with Jesus’ coming, to know that the ‘temple’ was moved into the believer’s heart - it was fascinating! As I looked around at the beautifully lined pews, the fresh spring flowers ordered neatly in vases, and the wooden pulpit from where God’s Word was declared, I smiled. The New Testament Church wasn’t a building - yet my soul still ached for a feeling of presence with God. I longed to spend time in the quiet morning hours in such a place as this. 

Suddenly being reminded of my cleaning lady friend, I decided to leave a note with the verse from Psalm 27 along with a little chocolate bar and words of thanks for the wonderful job she did. How great it was that she could spend so much time in the peace and quiet of an empty church building! May God bless her heart to be satisfied in Him! 

Months later, having forgotten about the note, I was approached by my friend in church. Crying, she told me how much it meant to her, for she’d had difficulty in her spiritual life at that time and had forgotten the Lord’s promises for her life. Yet the simple act of attention through the note I wrote was a gesture that her presence was seen and appreciated, and the Scripture verse spoke loudly to her. God had refreshed her heart with His Spirit and re-awakened the longing to spend time with Him. He’d gently reminded her of His presence, and now, along with David, she happily cited; 

“One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord And to meditate in His temple.” Psalm 27:4

Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, You’ve moved Your presence from the Old Testament temple into my heart. I don’t always understand it, but I believe it. I know that it is by Your presence alone that I can live, breathe, and serve. It’s You in me. Father, as You increase, may I decrease. May I show your presence to others, so that they would be reminded of You - for Your glory, Amen.
Song: Our God Will Go Before Us by Keith & Kristyn Getty, Matt Boswell, Matt Papa This song, theologically rich and encouraging, reminds me that His presence is always with me...
Question for Reflection

What book do you read on the days when you’re not really ‘feeling’ God’s presence?

Angela Shcherban
February 17, 2025

I probably run to the Psalms more than other books for reminders of His presence. There is something about the sincerity of emotions, pieced together poetically, that lifts my soul.