There are many things in life that can cause wounds, both physical and emotional. I am a teacher, and I know all about the tiny wounds of my students who come to me throughout the day. They want to share every tiny scrape and sliver, every bump and every bruise, in hopes that I too will share their pain and offer relief. As we get older, the wounds go deeper, and many reach below the surface to our hearts.
When I was ten, my parents divorced and it left a large wound in my heart. It was a wound I tried to hide from for many years. I covered it up with perfectionism and people pleasing. I worked hard and accomplished many good things, but none of that could heal the deep hurt in my heart. As time went by, I almost forgot about that wound, but contrary to the saying, time does not heal all wounds. My wound would rear its ugly head in all of my meaningful relationships with others. No matter what I tried, I could not “fix” myself.
Only Jesus can heal all wounds. He can heal wounds of betrayal, disappointment, rejection and abandonment. Not only did He come to heal the blind, deaf and diseased, He came to set the captives free, and that’s just what I was. I was captive to the pain in my heart, the pain that I had not surrendered to Jesus. The only way forward to healing is surrender. I had to surrender every last bit of pain and hurt in my heart to Jesus in order for Him to come and bring healing. Just as my students want to share the tiniest of wounds with me, Jesus wants me to share my wounds with Him, from the smallest to the biggest.
I soon learned how to bring my pain to Jesus. Instead of covering it up or running away from it, I bring it fully to Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to pour His healing balm into my heart. Jesus purchased our healing on the cross, and today He offers it freely to those who will bring their pain to Him.
Do you have heart wounds that need to be handed over to Jesus? How can you practically give Jesus your wounds today?
It was always easier for me to pretend the wound was not there than to acknowledge the pain and hand it over to Jesus, but when I realized how much of a blind spot it was causing in my relationships, I determined to allow Jesus to have His way. I began to be intentional about praying and asking the Holy Spirit to search my heart and pour out His healing on any wound or pain from my past. I realized that no amount of “self-help” would do without abiding in the complete work of Jesus on the cross and receiving His full healing. I daily had to believe that I have been healed and not run from any pain that might continue to surface. When the pain surfaces, I immediately run to Jesus and give it to Him so that He might heal and restore.