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The Blessing and Crown of Enduring Trials

by SHIRLEY RALSTON FLOURISH Hope Discouragement Strength Spiritual wellness
The Blessing and Crown of Enduring Trials
  • Comment
“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”
James 1:12

In the book of James, he writes to the Jewish Christians among the twelve tribes, part of the diaspora, living away from their homeland. In James 1:12, he proclaims how the steadfast endurance of trials will produce two things, blessing and the crown of life. Trials need no explanation. Although they may be different than what first century Jewish Christians experienced, we can certainly relate in the context of our current day. What about the rewards though? His language is curious. What do trials have to do with flourishing? On the surface, the two seem diametrically opposed.  

In the original language, blessing means an inner quality of joy resting in God and unaffected by external events. The crown of life is a recognition from God for spiritual victory, a spiritual privilege which gives a deeper, fuller life on earth (John 10:10) and an unending, joyous life in the world to come.* 

How do we endure, and flourish amid trials? When we’re actually going through them, the temptation is to lose hope. One way is to engage in the spiritual disciplines. Richard Foster in his book Celebration of Discipline, lists several spiritual disciplines we can practice to keep us steadfast during trial.  

Here are just a few:  

  • Prayer – submit to God every aspect of your trial 

  • Study God’s Word – read and meditate on it throughout the day 

  • Simplicity - shed those things that unnecessarily complicate life 

  • Service – serving others brings our own trials into greater perspective  

To flourish during trial means to stay focused on God and His Word. Discard things that detract and add things which enhance. Be diligent and trust in the Lord that He will see you through your dark night of the soul. Blessing and the crown of life await.  

“We know there's more. We have a longing for eternity, and that longing is itself a longing for God who exists outside of time.” ― Jen Wilkin, Genesis: In the Beginning, a Study of Genesis 1-11 


* Lea, T. D. (1999). Hebrews, James (Vol. 10, pp. 260–261). Broadman & Holman Publishers. 

Closing Prayer
Father God, We need your help to remained focused and not lose heart during life’s trials. You have told us they will come and you have given us all that we need to endure. You have promised blessing and spiritual victory as we remain steadfast. You know our suffering Lord, and we trust in your guidance. Amen.
Book: Celebration of Discipline: The Path of Spiritual Growth by Richard J. Foster This book has been transformational in my life. The spiritual disciplines have steadied me many times during life’s trials. I highly recommend it.
Question for Reflection

Are you tempted to lose hope during trial? What keeps you steadfast during those times?

Shirley Ralston
July 29, 2024

A private person by nature, I have had to learn to share my trials with my community. To know they are praying for me has kept me from losing hope. I gain strength from their support. The spiritual disciplines have been a great source of hope for me as well.