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The Balance of Missions & Motherhood

by JILLIAN KITTRELL BALANCE Being a woman in ministry Raising kids cross-culturally
The Balance of Missions & Motherhood
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“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1

I became a mother through adoption six months after I moved to Haiti. This wasn’t at all planned, according to Jillian’s Personal Goals and Timeline (an actual document I wrote in my early 20’s). But God, of course, had different plans.  

Looking back at my younger self, it is clear I didn’t believe I could do both motherhood and missions at the same time. Hence my well-mapped timeline. At some point in my life, I had adopted the narrative that women must choose one at a time. Missions or motherhood.  

The wise Solomon once said, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). While I used to interpret this to mean that motherhood and missions must be separate seasons of life, I eventually learned that often seasons collide, making new seasons of their own. In other words, mothers can do missions. It just takes balance. For example: 

Balancing priorities: In a season of both motherhood and missions, priorities must shift a little. In order to keep a healthy balance of both, sacrifices often need to be made. I have learned the hard way that my time is limited, so I constantly need to decide what tasks and projects are the most important.  

Balancing schedules: I love a good schedule, but I also realize the need to be flexible. In Haiti, I had a pretty clear-cut routine. The mornings belonged to my kids, the afternoons were for work. Occasionally I had to rearrange, but setting boundaries around my time was key.  

Balancing overlap: Over time, I learned that I could prioritize and schedule all I wanted, but at the end of the day, sometimes my worlds overlapped, and that was okay! More than okay, actually. My work was more impactful because of the joy my kids brought to our community, and my kids learned how to serve and love others by being involved with my work.  

We all need to learn to have balance in our lives. No matter what you need to balance, just remember that there is a season for everything, and God is the creator of them all. So you’ve got this!  

Closing Prayer
God, Thank you for creating the seasons, and thank you for giving me purpose in each one. Please help me to find balance in my life today, in this season you currently have me in. Help me not to feel overwhelmed or burdened, but to trust you, for you burden is light. Amen.
Book: Missional Motherhood: The Everyday Ministry of Motherhood in the Grand Plan of God by Gloria Furman I read this book right in the thick of learning how to balance ministry in Haiti and mothering three children all at once. I often found myself feeling guilty. Guilty for not being with my kids while I was working. Guilty for not working when I was with my kids. This book helped to reground me and remind me of the beautiful calling of motherhood.
Question for Reflection

What are some practical ways you keep balance in your daily life?

Jillian Kittrell
October 07, 2024

I feel like I should be honest: I am not a balancing pro. I fail at it more often than I succeed. And as seasons change, my strategies have to change. Right now, in the season of working and schooling from home, I have been able to let my worlds collide a little. I recently needed to send out 500+ newsletters to our mission partners, so I had my kids assemble them. I needed to work on bookkeeping in our main office, so my daughter tagged along to file receipts for me. These days, balancing motherhood and missions is about creating space for the two to go hand in hand.