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Stick Out That Arm

by PAULA ROBERTS TRUST God’s guidance & direction
Stick Out That Arm
“Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him.”
Psalms 105:19

I followed the lab worker through a metal door that opened into a barely lit cement room. After I crawled onto a rusty exam table, I purposely took a slow breath. That breath was a bit jagged but it steadied my pounding heart. I’d donated pints of blood in the States, but in that little bush hospital in Benin, Africa, the luxury of single use equipment in clean, clear packages didn’t exist. Due to limited supply, everything was reused including the needle the tech had prepared. It had been re-sharpened by hand then sanitized in a machine that was cast off from a first world country. I remember that the names of African blood borne diseases drummed through my mind as I watched that well-used needle glide through my skin. This is where belief plays out in trust, I had thought. I knew that I certainly hadn’t allowed its entry because I was 100% sure it was sterilized. At that particular moment, I had chosen to move forward in trust despite my fear. I trusted God would hold me, even if I did get sick. I didn’t.

From what we read in Psalm 105:18-19, Joseph, a model of faith, had to battle with trust, too: “They hurt his feet with fetters, He was laid in irons. Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him.” Tested? Whether we recognize it or not (and I didn’t recognize it until I really thought about this verse), as followers of Christ, the very word that can bring comfort and hope is also used to test or refine us. God tells us one thing, and we either move forward in belief of His word or we don't. We’re tested to move from simply saying we believe into physically acting like that word is true. Remember how faith without works is dead? Faith is stepping out regardless of how fast our heart beats. It’s trusting Him even when we can’t see what He's going to allow next. 

We are tested, but our glorious, faithful God isn’t ever going to flunk us. Sure, we may see a similar test again, but it’s not because He sees us as failures. He already knows where our faith is weak. He keeps pushing us gently forward because our loving Father knows that each step of trust cements His image more clearly into our being. Our trust in Him grows as we keep stepping out in faith. 1 Peter 1:3-9, John 14:21, James 1:2-4 

So we’re now left with a question. How is God asking you (and me) to stick out that arm once again? 

Closing Prayer
Dear Lord, You are the God that longs to stamp your image into us. We thank you that you test us through your word, and then lead us to discover the reality of your truth. Please help us and show us the way to keep stepping out in trust. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Question for Reflection

How has God recently tested you by asking that you step out in trust?

Paula Roberts
March 13, 2024

Recently I had several of my own reasons why going forward to get a counseling certificate wasn’t a good idea, so I’d been ignoring the nudge of God to take the next step. While doing Priscilla Shirer’s “The Armor of God” study she relates that when Jesus quantifies someone’s faith as little it is because the “size of their faith correlates directly to their view of Jesus.” I realized that I was pushing obedience away because I was focusing on my fears rather than focusing on our big God. I was convicted. I went ahead in obedience to pursue certification, but surprisingly, I was told that certification wasn’t an option for me because of the M situation I was in. I totally understood their reasoning, but this wasn’t the feedback I was expecting. This feedback reminded me that walking in faith can be scary. It also helped me realize, again, that our faith walk doesn’t always lead us on the path we expect.