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Silent Semana Santa

by RACHEL MCDONALD YANAC LISTENING Balancing ministry, family, & life Hearing God & Understanding His Will Quiet time with the Lord Spiritual wellness
Silent Semana Santa
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“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Psalms 46:10

Semana Santa, the Holy Week between Palm Sunday and Easter, usually attracts a few thousand tourists to our Andean city. The streets come to life with religious pomp and pageantry, mixed with a heavy dose of music and incense and vendors hawking their wares. But everything came to a grinding halt during the year of the Covid lockdowns.  

No processions, no live passion plays, no incense clouding the air. 

It was most definitely a Silent Semana Santa. 

I felt sad about it at first, until I realized that the silence might be just what we needed in order to truly listen to the voice of God. I was reminded of Elijah, who had just come through what could definitely be called a “mountaintop experience” when God showed up on Mount Carmel and defeated the prophets of Baal. As often happens shortly after an experience when God shows up in a big way, Elijah was attacked… by Jezebel, who wanted to kill him, and by Satan, who filled his mind with fear and despair.  

The Lord found Elijah, alone and afraid, hiding in a cave. Then he was told, “Go, stand on the mountain at attention before God. God will pass by.” (1 Kings 19:11) Following his recent mountaintop experience, Elijah must have been expecting God to show up in a powerful display, but He did not appear in a rock-shattering wind, in an earthquake, or in a fire. But after the fire came a gentle whisper, (1 Kings 19:12), and that’s where God chose to show up for Elijah. 

What about you… 

Have you been through a recent mountaintop experience like Elijah and feel like you’re now being attacked by the enemy? Or maybe, like me during our annual Semana Santa traditions, you’re struggling to hear God’s voice through the cacophony of noise all around you. Take some time today to meditate on Psalm 46 and to follow the advice to “Be still and know that I am God.” Because silencing our own hearts and minds is the only way to hear that gentle whisper. 

Closing Prayer
Father God, I know that you show up in the mountaintop experiences - in the noise and the joy and the excitement of those grand events. I have met you there, have heard your voice, have felt your presence. But right now the silence is deafening, and I need to hear your voice. Help me to be still, to quiet my own heart, so that I can hear your gentle whisper. Amen.
Song: Be Still and Know by Stephen Curtis Chapman This is a new bluegrass version of Chapman’s 1999 song.
Article: Semana Santa Huaracina: El Poder del Silencio by Rachel Yanac Check out this post on my blog about our Silent Semana Santa. Even if you can’t read the Spanish you can enjoy the pictures!
Video: Delivery Room Kinda Deep by Michael Jr A beautiful illustration by comedian Michael Jr. about listening to the Father’s voice
Question for Reflection

What are a few things you could do today to follow the command in Psalm 46 to BE STILL and know that (He) is God?

Rachel McDonald Yanac
October 30, 2023

When I find myself struggling to be still and to quiet my heart, I know it’s time to get out my picnic blanket and spread it out on the bank of a mountain river. But for those times when it’s not possible to create this last-minute retreat for my mind, I shut off my cell phone and computer, tell the kids and my husband that I need to be alone for an hour, and find a spot in my house or yard where I can sit all by myself. Or I set out by myself for a fast walk through town; people probably think I’m crazy because it looks like I’m talking to myself, but that’s where I’m meeting with God!