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Overcoming Depression

by HEIDI J. SMITH OVERCOMING Grief, loss, & depression
Overcoming Depression
“When you pass THROUGH the waters, I will be with you; and THROUGH the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk THROUGH the fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God…”
Isaiah 43:2-3b

Have you battled depression?

I did a few years ago and still do sometimes. I’m not proud of this, but I believe that I’m not alone and want to offer encouragement.

My marriage struggled through a dark time, and we left the field. As my family and I adjusted from Africa to America, more troubles came like waves on a sea. My son injured his eye, and my grandma and mom both died.

I tried to keep my head above water, but I grew weary and lost hope. God’s love and goodness faded while depression set in. I felt like I was sinking.

Depression placed me UNDER my circumstances and made me a victim. It exposed my lack of control. No matter how hard I tried to manage things, only God could calm the storm.

“When you pass THROUGH the waters, I will be with you; and THROUGH the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk THROUGH the fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I and the Lord your God…” Isaiah 43:2-3b

God never promised life without troubles. “When you pass…” But he did promise to walk with us THROUGH the storms. “I will be with you.”

The trials may not go away, change, or seem fair. Yet we have a choice how we will handle them. We can focus on our changing emotions OR God’s unchanging truth.

In my life, a counselor encouraged me to mediate on the Psalms, write down my thoughts, and listen to Christian music and podcasts. I read books about God’s faithfulness to others with messy lives. I memorized God’s promises and served others.

Renewing my mind with Scripture and taking every thought captive (Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthian 10:5) became paramount in keeping my focus on going THROUGH and not UNDER my circumstances.

Fighting depression isn’t easy, but we aren’t alone. With God’s grace and help, we can choose to focus on the truth and not our circumstances. May we choose to go THROUGH the storms rather than be tossed UNDER them. 

Closing Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you that you are in control of all things, even things that don’t make sense to us. Thank you that you see the big picture and nothing surprises you. Sometimes when life seems hard, I focus on my emotions and circumstances. But please help me to focus on you and your unchanging truth. Thank you that you never leave me nor forsake me. Thank you that you love me with an everlasting love. Thank you that you know what I need to make me more like you. Thank you that you go THROUGH the storms with me and that I don’t have to live UNDER them. Thank you for your power, grace, and help. Amen.
Book: Switch on Your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf This book is helpful because it talks about changing your thinking by thinking on good things. Even though it explains the science of the mind, the principles taught parallel Scripture’s teaching. What you think about becomes who are. Renewing our minds with truth changes our emotions and behaviors.
Book: Get Out of That Pit by Beth Moore This book is helpful because it talks about not being controlled by your circumstances. It tells you how to get out of the pit.
Book: Living the Cross Centered Life by CJ Mahaney This book focuses on what Jesus did for us. It helped me realize my sinfulness and set my suffering in the proper place. All that Jesus did for me.
Question for Reflection

How do you handle depression? Or how have you encouraged others who are depressed?

Heidi J. Smith
January 16, 2023

I never had battled depression until a few years ago. I would look at others who did and think, “Just get over it.” After struggling with this, it has given me a new compassion for others and helped me not be so judgmental. I have no idea what is going on behind the scenes with others.
I handle it by taking my thoughts captive, renewing my mind with Scripture, and listening to Christian music and podcasts. When I start to get down, I look back at my journal and highlight God’s faithfulness. Sometimes I call my close friend and share my honest thoughts. She listens and doesn’t judge. When I finished talking, she prays for me and points me back to Christ.