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Our Ultimate Purpose for Serving

by CAROL SCHLORFF PURPOSE Seeing & not seeing fruit
Our Ultimate Purpose for Serving
“in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.”
Ephesians 1:12

It’s so easy as global workers to get caught up in a numbers game—we evaluate our success (or lack thereof) based on statistics: the number of conversions, disciples, attendees, churches planted, and so on. I’m not discounting the importance of visible fruit, but is it the measure of success? Or is there something else?

When I hear of the accomplishments of others, I often have two reactions—I celebrate their success, but I’m also attacked by condemnation as I compare their fruit to mine (which is less than I would like). This response happens subconsciously and rises before I can squash it.

Don’t get me wrong. We should always strive to be the best version of ourselves and be open to self-evaluation and to the feedback of others. Seeing visible fruit should be an essential objective. My only point is that it’s not the best measure of success. So what is?

This question brings us to our purpose for serving God—and, ultimately, for existing. In Ephesians 1, Paul talks about God’s plan of salvation, and when he gets to verse 12, he explains our purpose: we are “for the praise of His glory.” 

It’s impossible to define the word “glory” concisely. I think it’s because it refers to all that God is and does, all His attributes and qualities—basically, everything that would cause us to have a good opinion of Him. The term describes several things: God’s manifestation of Himself in nature and through His acts, His character, and His supernatural splendor and majesty. 

Let’s go on to examine the noun “praise.” It refers to “an expression of approval, admiration or commendation.” Paul is saying that God’s glory will be praised because of His followers. And here we see our ultimate purpose for belonging to God and serving Him: everything we do should display God’s attributes and actions for all the world to see, resulting in praise to God. 

So going back to the topic of how we can measure success in ministry, the question to ask ourselves isn’t “What are the numbers?” but “Am I reflecting God’s glory?” 

Closing Prayer
Lord, I thank you for the immense privilege of serving you. Please help me to evaluate my ministry as you do, and show me those areas in my life and ministry where I’m not reflecting your glory. Amen.
Song: My Story Your Glory by Matthew West This song reminds us of the purpose of everything we do: God’s glory.
Question for Reflection

Is there a time when you were discouraged because you didn’t see the fruit you wanted, but now, looking back with new lenses, you realize you were bringing glory to God, and therefore, you should have evaluated your ministry differently?

Carol Schlorff
September 10, 2024

During my early years on the field, I was involved in youth ministry and saw a lot of fruit. I then switched to ministering to adults, and the visible fruit became less abundant. I became very discouraged during this time and wanted to transfer to another place. But God made it clear that I should stay put, and eventually, I grew to understand that my role is to be faithful to his calling and reflect his glory. I’ll leave the results to God.