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Now My Eyes Have Seen

by BARBARA KINDSCHI GOD'S GOODNESS Biblical conflict resolution
Now My Eyes Have Seen
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“My ears have heard you, but now my eyes have seen you.”
Job 42:5

“My friend is getting married,” a graduate student told me over lunch, “and most people at our fellowship are happy for her. But yesterday one of the aunties shared her concern because the fiancé is not a believer, like our friend. Why not be happy for her? Where does she get such a crazy idea?” I shared 2 Corinthians 6 and let that sit for a while. She was speechless. “How could a good God be so cruel? It’s hard to find a kind guy and there is so much pressure to be married. What is God thinking to make it harder?” 

Our conversation did continue though I cannot report that she immediately saw the wisdom of Paul’s admonition. Her two-year-old spiritual glasses could only see the ‘goodness’ of being married; being loved by a man; making her parents happy; fitting in.  The auntie knew the goodness of God went much deeper and more far-reaching than that. 

My spiritual glasses are decades older than my student’s, but I still can often only see my own definition of goodness. And it clashes with ‘God is good – all the time.’ The hardworking young athlete paralyzed in an accident. The young woman facing her third miscarriage. The honest businessman ruined by the lies of an employee. The young widow whose fruit stand was burned when others were saved. God is good? 

When I asked these questions as a young person, some well-meaning adult often quoted Isaiah, reminding me that God’s thoughts and ways are not mine. They are so much higher. It always seemed like an excuse for not having an answer. 

Job and Habakkuk also had questions for their God and their specific struggles are recorded for us. Not just for commiseration but for “teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” We don’t know if all their questions were answered. But Job concludes that his ears had heard but now his eyes have seen.  Habakkuk stands in faith no matter with failed crops or lost herds. He will rejoice in the LORD and joy in the God of his salvation. Open my eyes, God, to see your goodness.

Closing Prayer
Oh God, I hold selfishly to my finite idea of goodness and fairness. You are so much bigger and Your purposes are so much wiser and far-reaching than I could imagine. Show me how small my concept of goodness really is. I need Your wisdom to share this with others. Keep my eyes on You when facing situations where I struggle to see Your goodness. Amen.
Song: Blessings by Laura Story “God is good – all the time” often is heard as no trials, no hardship, no disappointment. More importantly – a clear understanding of our circumstances. This song illustrates how this is not how God works.
Question for Reflection

‘Why does a good God allow such and such?’ is a common challenge thrown out to believers. If we’re honest – we ask it too! Do you have an example from your own life or others that you use in response?

Barbara Kindschi
May 17, 2022

My mother and I both had cancer. Twice. She died when it metastasized. I obviously did not. I don’t really like using our cancer stories too often. It can seem like a plea for sympathy. But the disease is so prevalent throughout the world that the topic comes up often. I will never visit a doctor or look at health in the same way again. Sharing how my good God had different plans for each of us has led to conversations of eternal value.