In Deuteronomy, God begins to give out His commandments to the Israelite people that He had just freed from slavery in Egypt. He gives out the commandments for several reasons – partially to set forth the lifestyle that they will follow to honor and worship Him, and partially to establish the ways in which they will be a set-apart nation among other peoples. Woven throughout the establishment of these stipulations and rituals are reminders of different aspects of God’s character that ensure hope and faith for the people of Israel.
In this passage from Deuteronomy 8:11-16, the people of God are reminded of their history and God’s faithful provision. They are reminded of how He took them from Egypt, redeemed them from slavery, guided them through the wilderness, and fed them. This verse points to God’s faithfulness and His protection, and it underlines the nourishment that comes from Him. He doesn’t just provide for His people – He nourishes their bodies and their spirits. While He humbles and tests His people in verse 16, He does this in a way that promises good “in the end” (v. 16).
God cares deeply for our nourishment, not just for our survival. We are His treasured creation, something that He established as “very good” in Genesis 1:31. Made in His image, the Lord instills dignity and goodness within us, and He takes care to nourish His people.
Sometimes the work that we do can feel deeply nourishing. We see the transformation of people’s lives, answers to prayers, radical generosity from supporters, and the opening of doors for ministry opportunities. We can also experience profound loneliness, heartbreak, frustration, hopelessness, exhaustion, and isolation. We can feel severely undernourished in the midst of trying fulfill our calling. I am thankful that the Lord does care deeply about our nourishment. He is present to comfort and heal us, and He can provide external forms of nourishment that surprise and sustain. Run to Him and ask for what you need – He is a Father that loves to care for His children.
Can you think of a time that God nourished you, be it physical, relational, or spiritual nourishment?
I received a handful of perfectly-timed gifts from supporters while I was on the field, and they were always exactly what I needed when I needed it. These gifts always reminded me of God’s intent, careful nourishment of me.