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Naming God's Artful Goodness

by HOLLY PENNINGTON FLOURISH God’s guidance & direction Discouragement Hope
Naming God's Artful Goodness
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“Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’”
Psalms 126:2

Think of the last wedding invitation you received in the mail. Imagine the envelope and the feeling you had when you first saw it. What made it stand out from the rest of the mail that day? 

Perhaps it was the flourishes on the envelope, the fancy loops and lines that embellish your name and address to give it that formal appearance. While at first glance, the inked swirls may look random, the art of flourishing requires extensive practice and skill. Calligraphers and lettering artists learn to use pen nibs and brushes in just the right ways to turn words and letters into eye-catching works of art that stand out from the fonts we are used to seeing every day. Each stroke of the pen is expertly placed. After all, the bride and groom want to be sure we don’t toss their invitation with the ones inviting us to credit cards with amazing interest rates! 

How interesting that, outside of calligraphy, we rarely hear the word “flourish” used as a noun. We say that we want our children to flourish, describe a garden as flourishing and equate a flourishing life with a successful one. But what if our lives are filled with flourishes from our Creator’s divine, knowing hand? Are our eyes catching them before we toss them out, in the interest of efficiency and moving on?  

I have a sense that God delights in adding flourishes to our lives, that each great thing God does for us wants nothing more than to get our attention and be named. Maybe flourish is a good, holy name.

Closing Prayer
Dear Master Artist, Help me to see your flourishes today, to pause and drink in their beauty, truth and goodness. Thank you for loving me so much that you have more than I can ask or imagine in store for me, every day. May every flourish point me back to You and may You use me as a flourish in someone else’s life. Amen.
Question for Reflection

What do you call surprises from God? Or those above and beyond God-moments? Do you think what we name them matters?

Holly Pennington
July 22, 2024

I love pondering the meaning of words and I believe they matter. I want to grow in the direction of being a better “marker” of the divine gifts in my day. I have always been drawn to cairns, the piles of stones that hikers place on trails as markers. Using words like “flourish” to name God’s gifts, even if they stay in my mind and never get spoken or written, feel like my version of a cairn on my journey of faith.