One of the greatest stories of transformation in the Bible is that of Joseph and his journey from being sold into slavery by his brothers, to becoming second in command of Egypt. Joseph’s journey of transformation was not so much about the outward transformation of his circumstances, but the inward transformation of his heart. Joseph’s outward story is one of heartbreak and struggle, while his inward story is one of character development.
Joseph was torn from the comforts of his father’s home and taken captive to the strange and pagan customs of Egypt. He had only ever known and been taught about the ways of Yahweh. He knew nothing of foreign gods and deities. He knew the security of his father’s embrace and the contentment of being surrounded by family. By all accounts, Joseph’s “culture shock” would have been a result of the stark contrast he found in Egypt to the life he had known in Canaan.
Under the extreme pressure of Joseph’s circumstances, his story could have turned out much differently. We’ve heard the story so many times, it’s easy to forget that Joseph had a choice in his response to where he found himself. The choice of Joseph to hold fast to his faith, to cling to his God, and to stand firm in the face of trial, is the example of a malleable heart in the hands of God. The pressure on Joseph did not harden him, rather it softened him to the point that God was able to have his way. The Joseph that saved a nation from famine and brought glory to Yahweh was a Joseph that humbled his heart in the midst of intense suffering.
True transformation in our lives comes through the trials we face. This is why James could say, “Count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds…” (James 1:2). Let us remain ever humble and malleable in the hands of a good God who knows how to bring about beauty in His children, that we might be able to say like Job, “But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold” (Job 23:10).
How can you choose to allow your heart to remain “soft” and not become hardened when facing trials?
I’ve walked through many trials in my life. I thought once I grew older, the trials would ease up and life would be much easier! Oh, how naïve I was! As long as we are living in a fallen world, we will continue to face difficulties and trials. The most important way I have maintained a “softened” and malleable heart during times of pain is to keep my eyes upward and remind myself that this world is not my home. I am just passing through! I remind myself of the bigger picture that I cannot see and trust that God is doing a work in me beyond my understanding that will bring Him all the glory!