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Longing for Home

by SHAWNA J. HOME Contentment Lack of “home” Quiet time with the Lord Transitions Abide
Longing for Home
“One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.”
Psalms 27:4

I had to laugh when it hit me, I didn’t know where I would be sleeping that night. The problem wasn’t that I was homeless, but that I had been back and forth between two places to lay my head. Finally, on that particular day, I forgot where my toothbrush had been left last. 

For a variety of reasons, I have a six-month stretch this year like that, leading up to finding my own flat with my soon-to-be husband. As I am in this nomadic, unsettled season, the Father is continuously reminding me that heaven is my home and that being in His presence gives me glimpses into that home. The cry of my heart has been to dwell in the house of the Lord, to commune with Him, no matter what roof I sleep under. 

2 Corinthians 4:16-5:8 paints a beautiful picture of this. It talks about how one day our temporal, earthly home will be exchanged for an eternal dwelling with Him. It says that God gave us the Holy Spirit as a guarantee, or a down payment on that promise.

Recognizing this has helped me keep my eyes on the things that really matter, the eternal, lasting things, more than the temporary inconsistencies. “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” (2 Cor. 4:17) I know that my true home is there waiting for me, in the secret place and in heaven. Even if I were to never move again in my life, any earthly home is nothing compared to the one my Beloved has prepared for me. 

Closing Prayer
Father, whenever I feel unsettled, remind me of where my home is. Give me glimpses of that home as I sit with you. Remind me that eternity is just around the corner and build my anticipation to dwell with you. Thank you that you are constant and consistent. Amen.
Song: House On A Hill by Amanda Lindsey Cook Listen to this song for an invitation into the secret place for communion with the Father.
Question for Reflection

How does recognizing that God has prepared a home for you affect the way that you live today?

Shawna J.
November 14, 2023

For me, it puts into perspective that it's normal to feel unsettled here. This world is not my home. And it makes me want to seek the presence of God to stabilize me in the midst of that unsettling.