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How to Flourish When Dry Season Lingers

How to Flourish When Dry Season Lingers
“I lift up my eyes to the mountains — where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”
Psalms 121:1-2

The grass shriveled. The flowers wilted. Dry season lingered.  

I taught ESL at an international Christian school in eastern Africa and loved my work, my students, and my colleagues. I thrived on discovering the most helpful language learning tip or grammar example or pronunciation exercise for my students. Each student was unique, and their language learning journey was an adventure I felt blessed to accompany them on. 

Yet, the longer dry season held on, the more my enthusiasm waned. Dirt coated my keyboard. My desk needed dusting daily. My students’ ability to concentrate shriveled and wilted, and so did mine. 

How do we flourish when dry season drains? 

The fourth-grade teachers had an answer: Mount Longonot. About this time every year, both fourth-grade classes and their teachers faced the legendary climb up this formerly active volcano in the Rift Valley. They planned for it, talked about it, and looked forward to it with a mix of fear and excitement. They told stories about former trips and wondered what theirs would be like. Would they see wild animals? Would they see the plume of steam rising from the crater in the middle? Would they make it to the top? Would their teachers make it to the top? 

How do we flourish when dry season drains?  

The fourth-grade teachers took a hint from Psalm 121. They looked up! We may not all be able to climb a mountain, but we can lift our eyes to the One who made the mountains. We refresh our weary souls by turning to Him! Let’s soak in His Word, sing a Psalm of praise, meditate on His great gift of salvation through Jesus. Soon, the grass will grow green again and the flowers will bloom.

Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, you are the Maker of heaven and earth! When we feel tired and dry and drained, help us to look to you and to your Word. May your Spirit refresh us—body, soul, and spirit. In the living and powerful name of Jesus, Amen.
Question for Reflection

What spiritual discipline do you find most refreshing?

Karen Bradley
July 31, 2024

Reading and praying Psalms has been my go-to for refreshing my soul.