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Hospitality from the Heart

by MANDY POST HOSPITALITY Compassion Reflecting God
Hospitality from the Heart
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:34–35

Being hospitable as believers isn’t just about welcoming people into our homes but also welcoming them into our hearts and exemplifying the gospel. Jesus didn’t even have a home to call His own, but he was very hospitable. This concept leads me to think of my church family.

When a single mom in our church was ill and admitted to the hospital for six months, another family in our church took in her two teenage children.

Each Christmas our multi-ethnic church has an eclectic meal together with foods from around the world, and afterwards, we spend time chatting and playing games.

When a couple in our church was struggling in their marriage and needed a time of separation, another family allowed the husband to live with them for an extended period to prevent adding financial burden to the situation. 

A member of our church gives a significant amount of money at Christmastime each year to purchase multiple gift cards for families in our fellowship who are in need.

Several women from our church went to court with another woman from our fellowship to support her during family difficulties. 

When a young couple in our church had their first baby at the height of the pandemic, meals were organized by several families within their restricted travel area.

All these stories (and there are plenty more!) remind me of another story one of my colleagues mentioned years ago. It involved an acquaintance she had formed in her neighborhood. After months of hearing my colleague talk about our church, the woman finally said to her, “The people in your church really care for one another.” You see, this woman hadn’t experienced such hospitality in her own religious tradition, where she assumed attendance to the service and certain duties performed were all that mattered. The hospitality born from our living and active faith exemplified the true gospel message to her.

When the church lives as Jesus called us to live, loving one another as He loved us, the world will know we belong to Him. Hospitality from the heart naturally leads to gospel witness.

Closing Prayer
Father, thank you for your Son’s example of hospitality. Holy Spirit, strengthen us to walk in love toward one another to shine a light on the gospel to the world. Amen.
Article: In Praise of Unfussy Hospitality by Stacy Reaoch This article is an encouragement for the simplicity of hospitality.
Book: The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield I’m in the middle of reading this book which was a little intimidating at first but has great insight into the heart of hospitality.
Question for Reflection

When is it most challenging to show hospitality from the heart? Why?

Mandy Post
September 19, 2023

When I’ve overcrowded my schedule and not left margin for the unexpected, my heart is not in the right place to show hospitality. Instead of having space and energy to love others as Jesus commands, I’m distracted and self-focused. I truly have to guard my time to allow for ease of hospitality from the heart.