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Heart Transplant

Heart Transplant
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”
Ezekiel 36:26

One of the reasons I became a Christian was frustration at my inability to stop sinning (that and the fear of hell). No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop behaving in a way I knew was wrong. After I decided to follow Christ, I did notice some changes in attitude, but my sin obviously didn’t disappear. Nonetheless, the hope I found in the Gospel wiped away my despair. 

The promise of sanctification—the transformation of the heart from the inside out—is just as vital to our Christianity as the assurance of spending eternity with God. They go hand in hand in giving us the hope to carry on.  

The Bible is full of passages that talk about God’s “total renovation” of the heart. These encouraging words aren’t just for the seeker or new believer; they are just as crucial for those who’ve been serving the Lord for longer than they care to count. I should know—I’ve been on the field for over thirty years, and I’m far from being the person I would like to be. 

As I look back on my life, I see many changes in me—to the glory of God! He’s helped me overcome a good portion of my shyness and fears, exposed areas that needed to be torn down and rebuilt, and helped smooth off many rough edges. But at times, I feel like he’s just scratched the surface. 

In Ezekiel 36:26, we find one of many Old Testament prophecies concerning the New Covenant. God promises to give us a new heart and spirit and to even replace our heart of stone with one of flesh. What I find encouraging is that this transformation is exclusively the work of God. He knows we can’t change ourselves, so He’s taken it upon Himself to do it for us. All we can do is accept His gift with faith and obedience.

So, when I get frustrated with my lack of progress, I turn to God’s promises and thank Him for the “remodeling” He is about to do in me. If He doesn’t give up, then neither should I. 

Closing Prayer
Lord, thank you for the changes you have made in me and for the transformation that is still to come. Please help me never lose hope that you will continue to mold me successfully into your image. Amen.
Sermon: How to Change Deeply by Tim Keller This sermon is a good overview of how God transforms our hearts.
Song: Cleansed by Charity Gayle This inspiring song reminds us of all that God has done for us.
Question for Reflection

What are some changes that you would like to see in your life?

Carol Schlorff
August 08, 2024

I struggle with time management and self-control—I waste too much time doing unimportant things, I can’t get myself to start exercising, and I’m not consistent with my prayer life. My goal is for those three things to change, and the Lord will help me!