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Heart of Prayer

by HEIDI J. SMITH PRAYER Quiet time with the Lord
Heart of Prayer
“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me; teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.”
Matthew 15:8-9

Juggling our suitcases, our shoes clicked on the stony path. Our guide led us down the narrow Zanzibar street lined with colorful doors and tiny shops displaying piles of spices. The salty breeze refreshed us and reminded us that this getaway should be relaxing.

But as we turned the corner, bells clanged and an elaborate mosque stood before us. People filed in, washed their hands, and knelt to their god. Our guide proudly informed us that every time the bells rang, people came and prayed.

My heart stirred. I know the one true God, yet how devout am I in praying to Him? Is it only a ritual of meal times and bedtime rather than a heartfelt petition of faith?

Jesus warned the religious leaders of outward rituals without an inward relationship.

“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me; teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” Matthew 15:8-9

They performed certain practices and appeared spiritual before others, but their hearts weren’t in it. The same can be true of us in our spiritual lives, especially in our prayer lives.

We can pray at set times, in certain positions, and with different people, but if our hearts aren’t right, then it is meaningless.

God desires a “broken and contrite” heart laid bare before Him (Psalm 51:17). Since He already knows everything anyway, we should confess and commune with Him. We acknowledge who He is and realize our complete dependence on Him rather than ourselves.

We should pray genuine words right from our hearts. He doesn’t care if our prayers are long or short; flowery or simple; spontaneous or memorized (Matthew 6:7). Only that our hearts match our worship of prayer and praise to Him.

The next morning the bells clanged, and I watched the people shuffle into the mosque from my rooftop room. I quietly bowed my head and asked the Lord to give me a sincere heart for him.

Closing Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the privilege of prayer and that nothing is hidden from your sight. Help me to have a sincere heart that matches my outward actions of service and worship. Help my prayer life to be fervent and faith-filled believing that You can do anything. Change me from the inside out. I love you. Amen.
Song: Sweet Hour of Prayer by William B. Bradbury This song encourages me to pray and leave my cares at Jesus’ feet.
Song: From the Inside Out by Hillsong This song reminds me of the importance of heart worship.
Song: Here’s My Heart by Casting Crowns This song challenges me to give my heart to the Lord. He deserves it, but sometimes I’m selfish and want to hold onto it. As I humbly bow in his presence, I’m reminded of His great sacrifice.
Question for Reflection

What hinders your prayer life? What helps your prayer life?

Heidi J. Smith
May 23, 2022

My laziness hinders my prayer life. I wait until the end of the day when I’m tired. I start praying and get distracted by my to-do list. Or I scroll through social media planning to pray when I’m finished, but the time passes quickly and I’m tired.
I don’t pray in bed because it is too convenient to fall asleep. I start my day with prayer.
Someone shared this format with me that helped prepare my heart.
Confess - confess any sin to the Lord (Psalm 66:18)
Adore - focus on the Lord and who He is
Thanksgiving - thank the Lord for blessings and burdens
Petition - humbly ask for needs for myself and others