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He Leads with Confidence

by SARAH SEEFELDT GOD'S GUIDANCE/DIRECTION God’s guidance & direction Hearing God & Understanding His Will
He Leads with Confidence
“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this... Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.”
Psalms 37:5,7

We moved to Egypt with a two-year commitment with our ministry. As years went by, we kept extending our time here, fully confident that God wanted us in Egypt.

Then one year that confidence shifted as my husband and I both felt that our time in Egypt was coming to an end. We were surprised because while neither of us wanted to leave our life and community in Egypt, we felt a shift in the focus of our ministry. We asked God and He continued to show us His direction. 

We realized He had led us in similar ways when we began the process for adoption. He stirred up a desire in our hearts – a good desire that required dependence on His provision. Then He affirmed that desire through His word in our personal Bible reading, in church services, and through the prayers of our friends. Moving forward toward adoption required us to depend on Him to provide finances, logistics, support, and emotional endurance.  

Psalm 37 encourages us to trust in the Lord and delight in Him (v3,4), to commit our way to the Lord and wait to see Him act (v5,7). I know that God is not at our beck and call, to respond to our desires in the way we want. I have learned that as I trust in His sovereignty and His lovingkindness toward me, I see how He sets a path before me to walk and delight in (v23). As I commit myself to this path, He makes my footsteps firm, preparing the path for me according to His plans, not mine. 

It is not my desire to leave Egypt, but I do want to follow God’s direction for me. As I trust Him and delight myself in His goodness to me, I find that I can delight in the path He has set before me, the ministry He has asked me to take on, and all the wonders He has yet to show me. 

Closing Prayer
Father, I trust that your ways are good, even when I don’t understand them. I want to follow you, moving in the direction you have for my life according to your perfect will. Lead me through your word as I read it personally and as I listen in the congregation. Please give your light for the step in front of me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Song: I Will Follow by Chris Tomlin This song reminds me that following wherever God leads is good because He is good.
Article: Ask, Seek, Knock: How to Seek God’s Guidance by Dr. David Jeremiah This article was a great reminder about how we pursue seeking God’s direction for us.
Question for Reflection

What are ways you most often see God give you direction? Through His word, through prayer, through counsel with spiritual leaders?

Sarah Seefeldt
September 18, 2024

I am thankful that God speaks to us in a variety of ways! For big decisions, He’s used all the ways to affirm His direction. And I know that’s because I keep asking Him, “Is this the direction? I want to follow you.” Sometimes, for smaller decisions, He uses only two of the above measures, but His direction stays consistent when He is leading me somewhere. That’s how I can know it’s Him.