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He Is With Us

by LAURIE M. GENERAL Discouragement
He Is With Us
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9

Recently I found myself in the depths of yet another season of language study and cross-cultural adjustment. The language was not sticking. Our family was still in the chaos stage of overseas transition. I was emotionally exhausted, spiritually dry, and lonely. One morning, I cried out to God as I prepared for another day of struggle, “Jesus help me.”

In my heart, I heard the end to a familiar verse, “for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go,” Joshua 1:9.

I was surprised at the answer. I have filed that verse in my heart under the topic of “fear.” But as I read the verse, meditated on it, and read the chapters in Joshua, I realized what God was showing me.

I had become discouraged.

Joshua was preparing to lead the people of God into the promised land. God knew what Joshua was up against. Multiple times, God repeats himself, commanding Joshua to not be terrified nor discouraged, but to be strong and courageous. This was important for God to communicate to Joshua–both to not be terrified, but also to not be discouraged.

It is important for us to learn the same thing. God has called many of us–like Joshua–to terrifying or impossible situations. The same commands he gave to Joshua apply to us. This strength and this courage are not powers that we muster up on our own and are neither rooted in bravado nor experience. Rather, they are rooted in a constant truth: "The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." The same God who was with Joshua is also with us.

I am reminded of the desperation of Moses crying out to God, “If your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here,” in Exodus 33:15. I am also reminded of the promise that was given about Jesus–that He was to be Immanuel, God with us, in Matthew 1:23.

That day, I was able to face the day and the chaos with confidence and joy because of God’s words.
Each of us find ourselves in hard, terrifying, impossible, or monotonous situations. But let us be encouraged, because God is with us.

Closing Prayer
Lord, would you remind us each day of your faithfulness to us? Would you encourage us that you are with us and have gone before us? Would you allow our hearts to be strengthened through your Word and by your Spirit to walk through whatever situation you have for us? Would you allow our hearts to be deeply rooted in you so that we might thrive, and in doing so, draw others to your Kingdom? Help us remember. Help us hear you. And help us be faithful. In Jesus name, Amen.
Project: Make a Memory Wall With the help of family or friends, make a list of all the ways God has been with you in hard situations over the past year. Whether on a poster, a rock garden, or a painting, create some way to display this memorial that will help you remember God's faithful presence with you.
Question for Reflection

How does it combat discouragement to know that God is with you? Tell of a time when God's presence empowered you to persevere through a hard season.

Laurie M.
September 29, 2020

This year, in the hard of language learning and watching my family struggle through cross-cultural adjustment, I was encouraged that God was with us and that we were right where he wants us. I was reminded that the results were all up to the Lord and not up to us. I was strengthened to put one foot in front of the other, to put in a few minutes of language practice, and to take a few minutes a day to be still. If I focus on the impossible mountain in front of me, I am immobilized and discouraged. But if I set my heart on Him and let the Lord guide me through manageable steps throughout the day, my heart is at peace and my spirit is strengthened.