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God in Three Persons Speaks to Us

by GAIL GOOLSBY GOD'S GUIDANCE/DIRECTION God’s guidance & direction Hearing God & Understanding His Will Trust Reliance
God in Three Persons Speaks to Us
“who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance.”
1 Peter 1:2

My husband and I sat at a picnic table on the lovely grounds of a Christian university with other prospective graduate students. The outdoor BBQ supper allowed guests to meet casually with faculty to ask questions. 

The dean of the newly acquired law school sat before us in his tailored suit, French-cuffed white shirt, and yellow silk tie. With an inviting smile, he patiently listened to our life stories and present wonderings about a major life change.  

“How do you know when God is directing and not our own wills?” my husband eventually asked. 

I have never forgotten his reply. 

“My wife and I have been married over 30 years and have had many major decisions to make. We look for answers from each person in the Trinity and wait until the three parts line up in harmony.” 

God the Father of All Circumstances 

“I don’t subscribe totally to the open door-closed door method of decision-making, because situations change. It can be dangerous to depend on circumstances alone,” he explained. “But we absolutely look wisely and thoroughly at what is happening around us, the needs of our family and finances. God speaks through our environment which He determined for us.” 

God the Son, the Living Word 

“Having the written Word for us to study, memorize, and refer to at any time is a gift to knowing God and His will for our lives, especially in decision times. My wife and I read it together and separately, sharing verses and what God shows us. These pages offer powerful and trustworthy help in black and white.” 

God the Holy Spirit 

“God is clearly a spirit beyond our human understanding and our ties to the physical world. We look for a supernatural occurrence, such as a dream, a surprise encounter, or timely message from a trusted source to affirm the other two leadings from circumstances and scripture.” 

God supplied us with responses to the graduate school decision and others, including to serve seven years in Central Asia. Our confidence to answer questions about such decisions and work through difficulties rested on the unified direction God gave us through His Trinity. 

I Peter 1:2 (TLB) says, "Dear friends, God the Father chose you long ago and knew you would become his children. And the Holy Spirit has been at work in your hearts, cleansing you with the blood of Jesus Christ and making you to please him. May God bless you richly and grant you increasing freedom from all anxiety and fear."

Closing Prayer
God in Heaven, We rejoice in all of who You are, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and how you use each person to speak to us. Help us to be confident not in our own decision-making skills but in your faithfulness to lead and guide sincere seekers of Wisdom and assistance. Thank you for loving us so much you sent your Son to show us more of who you are, the Bible for our study and reference, and your Spirit to reside in and with us always. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Article: God in Three Persons: A Doctrine We Barely Understand by Dr. Ray Pritchard For a good review of the scriptural instruction and confirmation of the Trinity, this article hits the main points.
Article: Understanding the Trinity by Matt Perman This is a longer article about the truth of the Trinity, especially helpful if trying to help those from another religion like Islam understand this complex but wonderful aspect of our God.
Song: Holy, Holy, Holy by Audrey Assad I love this traditional, well-known hymn about the Trinity.
Song: Trinity Song by Sandra McCracken (Featuring All Sons & Daughters) This is a more contemporary song with great theology and precious harmony performed by some of my all-time favorite Christian artists!
Question for Reflection

Do you have a decision required, guidance needed, or clarity desired? How are you accessing all three aspects of God’s Personhood to bring confidence for moving forward?

Gail Goolsby
April 05, 2021

Right now I have many small, daily decisions versus a looming transition or large prayer need. However, whenever I counsel or coach or write or speak, I am asking for confidence of God’s presence through the Holy Spirit, wisdom from his Word, and the submission of my earthly experience and senses to participate in his good plans for my clients, my audience, and myself.