There is a parable that I ponder deeply every time I read it, and it is the Parable of the Talents, found in Matthew 25:14-30. A man goes on a journey and gives his servants portions of his estate to manage while he is away. Upon return, he finds that the one who had received five bags of gold gained five more. The one who was given two bags of gold gained two more. However, the one who was given one bag confessed he did nothing but bury the gold because he was afraid and also blamed the master for being demanding. Consequently, the master is enraged, gives the talent to the servant who had 10, and the worthless servant is dragged away and punished for not having done what had been expected of him.
Here is what we learn from this parable:
Everyone was entrusted with a portion of the man’s wealth. (v. 14)
Not everyone received the same amount; each was given an amount based on their ability. (v. 15)
Although it took a long time, the master eventually returned from his journey. (v.19)
When the man returned, he settled his accounts, expecting a return on his investment. (v.19)
Those who gained and bore fruit were praised, rewarded and entered into their master’s happiness. (v. 21, 23)
The one who did not gain anything was punished and experienced weeping and gnashing of teeth (v.30)
How are YOU using what God has entrusted you with? Would God see a return on his investment from your life if He were to return today? God has created each one of us for a unique purpose and He wants us to use the gifts, talents, and abilities He has placed in us. We must remain diligent and watchful, for we do not know the day or the hour when our Master will return, expecting us to give an account. The important question right now is what are you doing with what He has entrusted you, with the time you have been allotted?
As you seek to use your gifts, talents, and abilities in the time you have been allotted, what steps can you take to make your goals achievable?
In the past few years, I have used the SMART method of goal setting to help me measure my progress in ministry. That acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. It is a helpful tool that helps you keep track with how you are progressing in reaching your goals.
Without goal setting, one can easily become complacent and lose track of the expectations that we have for ourselves and even forget that God does expect us to actively work to be fruitful.