In recent months, it has been very evident, on the news, on social media, in the newspapers, etc. that racial tension has been on the rise in the U.S. In fact, many people took to the streets in protest. While it was a beautiful thing to see people of all color coming together to demand justice in stark contrast to the 60’s Civil Rights Movement’s era, my heart was aching. My heavy heart and soul ached in loneliness and grief concerning the issue of injustice and racism plus worries that my young brother living alone in the U.S. could be the next George Floyd.
Loneliness makes you feel isolated, out of place, and misunderstood. It is painful to be alone. Providentially, it all changed one day when I called a friend to share my heart. Proverbs 27:9 says “Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.” (NIV) and indeed that day I felt uplifted by my friend. Shortly after that, some empathetic and sensitive friends reached out to me as well to find out how I was coping with everything in light of the recent death of George Floyd that had shaken so many.
As I opened up and shared my heart with each of these friends who reached out, I started to feel I was coming out of that lonely place. Subsequently, I was motivated to start a discussion group which became a safe community of 12 people journeying together to grieve surrounding the issue of racism and to seek God on how we could become racial reconcilers. That group became a community where we could learn and grow together rather than struggle in isolation.
Are you going through a period of loneliness? Can you reach out to a friend with whom you can share your heart with? I didn’t realize it initially, but there is power in community. Talking to someone who can listen and empathize is a good step toward coming out of the rut of loneliness. Take a step and talk to someone, whether it be a friend or a counselor. It has made a difference for me, and I know it will make a difference for you.
In your times of loneliness, what have you done in order to get out of the rut?
In my case, in times of loneliness (especially when I was grieving and feeling lonely concerning the topic of race), I found great comfort doing the following:
Talking to a friend about what I was feeling alleviated the burden I felt I carried when I was alone.
Being part of a community of people who understand what I am going through has been a life-saver for me.
Remaining rooted in the Word of God has been crucial. It might be hard to read long passages of Scripture, but for me, meditating on a couple verses at a time have been helpful. I cannot stress enough how much the following passages of Scriptures have been a great source of encouragement: Jeremiah 17:7-8, Psalm 1:1-3, and Proverbs 3:5-6. Meditating on it all throughout the day continually has helped me find strength and peace of mind.