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Flat Tires Are Never Convenient

by CHRISSY WINSLOW SACRIFICE Feeling known & understood Team unity & dynamics Reflecting God Compassion
Flat Tires Are Never Convenient
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“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
Hebrews 13:16

I substitute taught for one week at my daughter’s school in Thailand. My husband was out of town and I was enjoying the challenge of handling everything on my own. 

But one morning I heard a familiar, dreaded flapping noise—a flat tire. I was several kilometers away from school. Great. I pulled over and called the school offices. They were swamped, but could cover things until I arrived. But now we would be late and were stranded. Then…my phone died. I didn’t have materials for a tire change. Double Great. 

Now everything felt like too much. I needed help. I took a deep breath, reminding my daughter and myself we were on a familiar route to school. Other parents would be driving by and we could ask for help. 

Someone drove by, recognized us, waved happily, and continued on their way. Did they not notice the flat? Decide there wasn’t time to help? More cars passed. My daughter and I waved and gestured toward the tire. No one stopped. More familiar faces waved and smiled. I was starting to feel angry and desperate. 

After a few minutes, I started thinking that, except for the beaten-up part, I was trapped in a modern-day good Samaritan story. Or in a bad cliche. Bitterness had me imagining people were driving by and offering prayer instead of help.

Suddenly I heard, “You two okay?” It was my husband’s friend, the athletic trainer at school. He pulled over. 

“Thanks for stopping. I had a flat. My phone died.” 

He had to get his own kids to school and himself to work, but prioritized helping us.   

His daughter helped mine into their vehicle and they took her to school. He returned to change the tire in sweltering weather. When he was assured that I could make it to school, he left for work—late, sweating, and in stained clothes. But his attitude and tone of voice never communicated inconvenience, just genuine willingness to help.  

It was real sacrifice that brought God’s care to life in an ordinary, but difficult moment. It was “…living and loving like Jesus and teaching others to do the same wherever life happens” ( 

May I see God in my daily circumstances, in the faces of my neighbors, and be willing to help—even when it’s costly.

Closing Prayer
God, please help me see the needs of others in my everyday circumstances and to offer real, thoughtful help—whether anyone sees or not. My motivations will never be perfect, but please help me grow in humility and the genuine desire to do good and share with others. Amen.
Question for Reflection

Why is it life-giving to be the recipient of real, sacrificial, and thoughtful help—especially when I am struggling?

Chrissy Winslow
May 30, 2024

Being the recipient of real, sacrificial help places value on me. It says that in the giver’s estimation, I am worth helping. I feel seen and heard in my circumstances. I am encouraged by the giver’s thoughtfulness and reminded that Creator God also values me. I remember I am not alone. I want to learn to love others in this way.