Clutching the hands of our two little boys, my husband and I boarded the plane for West Africa full of anticipation. Words like “brave”, “courageous”, even “inspiring” were spoken our way. In hindsight, “naïve” would have been a more accurate description. If we had known then what the next few years would hold, I am pretty sure neither of us would have willingly climbed on that plane. We faced difficulties that rocked us to our core and drove us to a level of brokenness and dependence on the Lord that we had never known before. Courageous was not what we were feeling.
Sometimes the familiar requires more of us than the unknown. Courage, for our family, was going back to the village for a second term, knowing full well what lay ahead, and yet stepping out to attempt it anyway. What was once done in blind faith, was now approached with eyes wide open. For me, courage was a conscious choice to lean into the truth that God was with me always, even when I knew it was going to be difficult.
When Joshua was called to lead the Israelites, he was terrified. He had a good understanding of the task ahead; he had spent time with Moses. The people were fickle, problems plentiful, and the responsibility massive. But God spoke directly to him: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you where you go” (Joshua 1:9). The catalyst for Joshua’s courage was not his ability, or his family, or his experience. God simply told Joshua “I am going to be with you and that fact will give you courage.”
We are never alone; God is always there. Deuteronomy 31:6 reminds us to “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Let’s live in light of the truth, that God is always near. Let us embrace the courage that only He can give for what lies ahead.
What are specific times in your life, where you have experienced God giving you courage, as you seek to serve Him?
Over the years I have experienced many changes to ministry, family, living situations, and relationships. When I was homeschooling four kids while learning language, God gave me courage. Again, when it was time to move to a new location and allow our kids to attend an MK school, God gave me courage. I have seen again and again that God provides the courage that I need for the task at hand. I can look and see that I am doing things now, that years ago I would have never dreamed possible. God is faithful and provides what I need at the time that I need it. We serve a kind God!